Godrevy, for Pam.

Photos for Pam - 100 + photos, mainly of Cornwall, because as Pam herself once told me; "That is where my heart is!"

In support of Pam J in her recovery programmes and a sincere wish for a quick and total return to normality!


04 Aug 2018 26 20 387
Ballowall Scillonian burial chamber with Land's End in the distance.

HFF everyone!!!

31 Jul 2015 20 23 411
Mum's garden, Saint Day, Cornwall. For Pam. Sight and Sound; www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckt1mAiq5Uo

Algete: Poppy field. For Pam.

15 May 2016 34 28 322
In the distance, the Sierra de Guadarrama is shrouded in haze and cloud. The sun had just gone in when I took this shot and that fact has helped mute the stridency of the red.

Spring wildflowers. For Pam.

15 May 2016 11 10 182
By the side of a lane near Algete, Madrid Province.

Red red rose

18 May 2016 10 12 171
Rose garden, El Retiro, Madrid Rose "Papa Milland" (Please see Pam J's comments below!).

Cornish rockpool for Pam.

09 Aug 2012 34 28 288
A typical rock pool. And as there was no one about, I did strip off and get in, it being a very hot day. A real pleasure!

Wild lavender and mountain stream.

02 Jun 2013 14 7 277
Sierra de La Cabrera.

Spring wildflowers including wild tulips, in grani…

15 May 2018 10 7 349
Sierra de La Cabrera, for Marie-Claire.

Trumpet vine

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Pharaoh Rock, La Sierra…

15 Jun 2012 15 13 278
It's my name for this rock as it looks like the crown of the Pharaoh of Lower Egypt (I think) before unification. Anyway ... be that as it may, typical granite scenery of these parts.

Penberth Cove, for Pam. Best on Large

08 Aug 2015 29 26 311
The only thing missing here is a lovely Cornish pub! However, if you are thirsty enough to undergo a 25 minute trudge uphill, you can reward yourself with an energy re-charging and refreshing pint of bitter at The Logan Rock pub in Treen.

The Roman Road

10 Apr 2017 26 15 299
Seen (just about) at bottom left. I think most of it is in the much later wall! Zarzarlejo, El Escorial, Sierra de Guadarrama, Madrid Province. Granite country.

The eastern half of the ridge of La Sierra de La C…

17 Sep 2011 18 17 266
I remember this as an exceptionally hot September day. As hot as any day I had spent walking here in June and July that year (August I was in Cornwall). Sierra de La Cabrera - granite country, and then some!

Mountain stream in granite country

01 May 2012 17 14 308
You can just about trace this tiny mountain stream doing its darndest in full spate zig-zagging its way across this shot. Sierra de La Cabrera at the Valdemanco end.

Wild (groovy, even!) lavender!

20 May 2012 14 5 192
For Marie-Claire.

Not every day can bring sunshine!

13 Aug 2015 27 18 303
Cornish Coast: From Bosigran looking west towards Pendeen.

HFF Everyone!

09 Aug 2018 50 37 454
Basset Cove and crane Islands, Cornwall. The Southwest Peninsula Coastpath once went straight ahead here. A very necessary fence!

Godrevy from Reskajeage

12 Aug 2015 29 25 351
A typical section of Cornish coast, with an added lighthouse.

690 items in total