Andy Rodker

Andy Rodker deceased

Posted: 29 May 2023

Taken: 29 May 2023

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stormy day
Madrid province

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Storm cloud.

Storm cloud.
One of today's many storm clouds that led to the flooding of large areas of Madrid but left us high and dry! (BTW, I'm pleased I didn't go to La Sierra de La Cabrera today as it would have been a total washout. Here, it is sited directly under the cloud and you don't want to be caught in the mountains in any kind of storm, especially an electrical one!)
Sight and Sound, to lighten the gloom Victor Borge;

buonacoppi, Nouchetdu38, Fred Fouarge, Gudrun and 15 other people have particularly liked this photo

22 comments - The latest ones
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
Wow I had heard that Spain has had some bad weather lately, also Italy and parts of Turkey - yet we in the UK have had some lovely weather lately!!!! Wrong way round eh? I'm really pleased that you didn't venture up the Sierra, you might have had an accident or something.
20 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
It certainly looks very dramatic............even if it didn't provide any rain.........for you at least! I hope you get some soon (but nothing catastrophic of course!
20 months ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
It's been this way for 10 days now and the weekly forecast is for more of the same. Unheard of! I travel into Madrid on bus and metro and they are ALL wrapped up in very dark and very heavy (double quilted - that sort of thing) clothes. I stand out like a sore thumb in shorts and t-shirt but what the hey, eh!!
20 months ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Dramatic capture!

Admired in:
20 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to William Sutherland club
Thank you, William!
20 months ago.
 Eunice Perkins
Eunice Perkins club
It seems to be everywhere. We have thunder and pouring rain again at the moment. It sounds right overhead! We have had so much of it this year. I hope your weather stays dry at least.
20 months ago. Edited 20 months ago.
 Madeleine Defawes
Madeleine Defawes club
Superbe !
Bonne journée. Amitiés
20 months ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Stunning vista !!
20 months ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
The light and the view: beautiful !
20 months ago.
Annemarie club
Well done
20 months ago.
 Sarah O'
Sarah O' club
Andy, what an absolutely gorgeous composition here. what a great job snapping this, love the Frame around the view. well done. Best of wishes, Sarah
20 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Sarah O' club
Thank you, Sarah. Today, the storm finally did its thang. Unfortunately far too late in the year to do any good! Water rationing and sky-high veg prices just around the corner!
20 months ago.
 Roséha D.
Roséha D. club
The picture is pictoresque and certainely dangerous in the Sierra**********Stay wel my friend !
20 months ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Andy
A wonderful and interesting picture, which I like very much!
Very nice composition and very impressive clouds to keep away from!
Best Wishes, Happy Tuesday, a nice week ahead, and stay safe!!
20 months ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Thank you everybody. One day next week and I WILL get up there!
20 months ago.
Gudrun club
It looks ominous!
I also have a lot of respect for thunderstorms ever since childhood when I was in a bulding that got hit by lightning....
20 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Gudrun club
You are quite right, Gudrun! I have been struck three times - none serious but all very evident that it was what it was. Amazingly two were 20 metres apart (but 6 months apart too) and both were as I was crossing over a railway bridge between work and home. I had an umbrella up on all three occasions and they all got hurled a long way away. On one occasion I recovered the umbrella to find that the handle (but not the canopy) had melted (I was totally unharmed!).
I am luckier than I deserve to be!
20 months ago. Edited 20 months ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Andy Rodker club
That sounds scary! Umbrellas obviously aren't the thing in a thunderstrom:-) In my case we were all unharmed, but one side of the wall was black and burnt....
20 months ago.
slgwv club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Yikes! We've been having thunderstorms here, too, an oddball time of year.
20 months ago. Edited 20 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to slgwv club
At least a storm a day for the past 2 weeks!
20 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
ja wij hebben nu al drie weken de spaanse blauwe luchten
20 months ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Thank you both!
20 months ago.

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