Andy Rodker

Andy Rodker deceased

Posted: 08 May 2023

Taken: 08 May 2023

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Back in Spain!

Back in Spain!
Proof that I'm back. The weather has been horrible apparently. No rain at all for months (and no snow at all last winter so no snow melt either). If you look at my shots from last May, it was green and lush. Now it's grey and drear. It doesn't augur well for water supplies, for agriculture, for cold showers at will on a scorching hot day, and for people's state of mind.
Now Summer approaches and it never rains in Spain in Summer! As my brother-in-law said, as long as they prioritise the supply of water to the beer industry he's not bothered.
Watched some but not all but made sure I heard Zadok the Priest.

©UdoSm, Nouchetdu38, Marco F. Delminho, Cämmerer zu Nau and 29 other people have particularly liked this photo

20 comments - The latest ones
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Beautiful capture and perspective!

Admired in:
21 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to William Sutherland club
Many thanks, William!
21 months ago.
Xata club
Glad you back sound and safe. Here is the same, no rain this year and now won't have any till October at the best chance. All is dry, reservoirs with low water level... all dry like it should be in July...
Jesus has a special sense of humour indeed !
21 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Xata club
Perhaps he has a better sense of self awareness than we give him credit for!
21 months ago.
 Ulrich John
Ulrich John club
Good Morning, Andy !
21 months ago.
 Madeleine Defawes
Madeleine Defawes club
Superbe image qui témoigne de la sécheresse en Espagne !
Bonne journée. Amitiés
21 months ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Beautiful vista.
21 months ago.
 Nick Weall
Nick Weall club
Welcome back
21 months ago.
TOZ club
Great view Andy but a bit dry.
Have a good day.
21 months ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
None of us get the weather we want at the right time Andy. The lack of rain is a problem for Spain. We can't even hold the rain we get, let alone export it there!!

All the best now you're back in Spain.
21 months ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
Ma région est critique déjà ce printemps et cette semaine la pluie qui tombe en ce moment est salvatrice alors je comprends !
21 months ago.
J.Garcia club
Wonderful image, Andy!
21 months ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
unfortunately rain has become a very precious resource everywhere...:-(( your picture shows a beautiful landscape - even if dry!
21 months ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Good to see that you made it back safely Andy................and what a complete change of scenery and weather.............I bet it's good to be back though despite the weather.
21 months ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
mooie opname andy
21 months ago.
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
Wonderful to see this view again, and knowing that you're back home again is great. It looks a darn sight warmer over there in Spain than it is here. It's only 11C - almost the middle of May for heaven's sake.
21 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Jenny McIntyre club
Thank you, Jenny!
Yes it's like an English June now, just right! It had been depressingly March-like in the UK since, well, March!
21 months ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
+++Many thanks everyone!+++
21 months ago.
©UdoSm club
A great view...
19 months ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to ©UdoSm club
Thank you Udo!
And many thanks too for your visit!
19 months ago. Edited 19 months ago.

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