Andy Rodker

Andy Rodker deceased

Posted: 28 Aug 2019

Taken: 26 Aug 2019

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Cuatro Caminos
Stormy Madrid
Glorieta de cuatro Caminos
Spanish yellow post box

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Another one of a wet Madrid. We got off lightly here.

Another one of a wet Madrid. We got off lightly here.
Cuatro Caminos, Madrid. This is in the north of the city centre. Those to the south really copped it!
There was plenty of thunder and lightning but I have never managed to capture lightning with a camera. There must be a knack to it!
I have just seen one half of an idiot on a motorised scooter on the roundabout (a dangerous one at that) in these conditions. I know they've been banned in London but they are everywhere here and a menace to pedestrians and to other road users alike. It is astonishing to me just how many are left after use in the middle of a pavement for a blind person or a pensioner to fall over. I have been known to place such offending scooters in the nearest skip!

Gudrun, Fred Fouarge, Rosalyn Hilborne, Nouchetdu38 and 5 other people have particularly liked this photo

6 comments - The latest ones
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
I don't think scooters are allowed to park like this in the UK. I think they're likely to be towed away, because of the danger to a blind person and/or a pensioner to fall over.
5 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Jenny McIntyre club
Exactly my point, Jenny!
Much like those arrogant cyclists who think they are skilful enough to weave between groups of pedestrians on pavements at high speed without consequence. This from someone who loves cycling and wants to see more of it but in a responsible way.
Herb pointed out that I may have missed your point.
I was referring to the scooterist on the road. It seems you thought I was referring to the small motorbike parked on the pavement. I hate these too! Please see my reply to Herb below!
Many thanks and best wishes.
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Madrid not at its best in this weather Andy. I can just spy the offending motorised scooter coming into the left of the picture. I am amazed that it is here in the main road. Is Jenny talking about the parked motorcycle perhaps? Scooters, of course are quite different. Getting to capture lightning is a bit of of an art my friend as our Ipernity friend demonstrates here.
Cheers, Herb
5 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Herb Riddle club
I missed Jenny's point entirely, Herb! It was late at night!
Another bugbear of mine is motorbikes parking on pavements. Not only do they do this, but some ride up to their preferred parking spot ON THE PAVEMENT FOR SOME YARDS AND AT SPEED!
When I first saw this I was horrified. People here are amused at my shock!
Thank you for the link which I haven't looked at it yet*** but will do so as soon as I've added a note for Jenny!
Best wishes,
***Just looked at the link. Yes, it just had to be Steve Paxton! I'm pleased to see that I was the first to comment and give a star for his superb capture! I wonder how his bonsais are doing! :o)
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Certainly an interesting shot Andy..............the road conditions (and indeed the walking conditions) look pretty treacherous! Whoever is riding that scooter, must have a death wish!
5 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Keith Burton club
Then they all have a death wish because they are happy mixing it with the heaviest traffic on the main thoroughfares!
I was happy driving in Madrid every day in 2010/11. Now I would have a heart attack every half a kilometre!
Many thanks,
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.

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