Andy Rodker

Andy Rodker deceased

Posted: 30 Jun 2019

Taken: 26 Jun 2018

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Rather good street art.

Rather good street art.
Chamartin Station car park prior to demolition a year ago but still there a year later.
Notes added a fortnight later:
However when I next passed this way in early August (a couple of weeks later) it had gone, and had been replaced by inferior quality grafitti. As had all the other high quality stuff.

Fred Fouarge, Gudrun, Doug Shepherd, goandgo and 8 other people have particularly liked this photo

 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
Wow Andy, this is really gorgeous. This person is a true artist. Have you noticed that when the street art is this good, no-one paints over it. They really appreciate the talent here.
5 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Jenny McIntyre club
True, Jenny! And this is a gem of it's type!
This and many others were commissioned by the socialist mayorial office of the day. So the quality is here but maybe not the spontaneity!
5 years ago. Edited 5 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
I agree! Rather good!
5 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
5 years ago.
 Doug Shepherd
Doug Shepherd club
Great find and capture Andy.

Best regards, Doug
5 years ago.

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