Andy Rodker

Andy Rodker deceased

Posted: 26 Dec 2018

Taken: 25 Dec 2018

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At my sister's this Christmas

At my sister's this Christmas
Christmas day was quiet and peaceful (bliss!) . In Spain the main family meal is on Christmas Eve.

micritter, Rosalyn Hilborne, Fred Fouarge, Jenny McIntyre and 8 other people have particularly liked this photo

13 comments - The latest ones
Angelofruhr club
Happy Christmas, Andy (a little bit late, but I hope you have some holidays left)
6 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Angelofruhr club
Thank you, Angelika! Back to work tomorrow, but that's OK. I need to earn! No classes = no pay!
6 years ago.
 Herb Riddle
Herb Riddle club
Don't see too many photos taken on Christmas day itself Andy. This is very appropriate however- altogether a fine interior shot. Hope you had a gun-un. All the Best for the New Year.

6 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Herb Riddle club
You see there is no-one about, Herb! The festivities had all been on Christmas Eve as is traditional here, including the family meal of the year! So Christmas day, after all the clearing up had been done, was very peaceful!
6 years ago.
 Jenny McIntyre
Jenny McIntyre club
I didn't realise that they celebrated on Christmas Eve, so no wonder the house looked so calm on Christmas Day. The tree looks so pretty against all that lovely wood
6 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Jenny McIntyre club
Thank you, Jenny.
A bit different! The main meal is on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day just for relaxing (or church for some - but not many; Spain is now apparently the least religious country in the whole of Europe! A fact that really does surprise many people!). Boxing Day is a normal working day (I did give a couple of private classes) but many people take 2 weeks off from Christmas Eve to after Kings - a bank holiday on the 6th Jan. The Eve of Kings (Epiphany or 12th Night in English) is when the children get their 'long-awaited' prezzies!!
6 years ago. Edited 6 years ago.
 Fred Fouarge
Fred Fouarge club
Gezelligeid tot bovenop de trap
6 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Translate doesn't give Gezelligeid, Fred.
6 years ago.
 Cheryl Kelly (cher12861 on flickr)
Cheryl Kelly (cher12… club
Beautiful! Merry Christmas, Andy! Wishing you a very Happy New Year in 2019, my friend!! Thank you for your friendship and support!

(I haven't been on much. Have been starting up an instagram account @cher12861. Hopefully on more soon!)
6 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
What a great angle Andy! Hope you had a good Christmas.
6 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Thank you, Rosa. Yes, one of the better ones!
6 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Beautiful POV, Andy ---- missed this shot.

Hope your New Year is filled with wonder [ that covers a lot of ground ] !
6 years ago.
Andy Rodker club has replied to Peggy C club
Many thanks, Peggy and the same goes for you too of course!
6 years ago.

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