Hotel shuttle bus, back of the hotel

Architecture Vol. 2

The Casbah

13 May 2015 10 18 551
Resurrected from Panoramio, because this is such top-notch architecture! On Explore...go figure.

Farm house detail

08 May 2017 6 8 451
Abandoned farm, Keno, Oregon.

Old corner store

Door with beer bottle

Cracked reflection

18 May 2017 5 6 285
This building is on a corner of Main St. It has enormous windows facing two streets and they were all cracked from top to bottom like this. I can't imagine how it happened. There was no earthquake (we have them very rarely). I wonder if something catastrophic happened with the foundation or other elements of the structure. These windows brought back memories. Kingsley Field, an Air National Guard Fighter Wing is just south of town. In the 1950s-60s it was an Air Force Fighter-Interceptor Squadron (F-101 Voodoos). By the early '60s there were frequent sonic booms, scaring the wits out of the whole town. They repeatedly broke big plate glass windows in Klamath Falls. The USAF got tired of replacing the town's windows and residents got tired of frayed nerves, so breaking the sound barrier over town stopped after a few years. Now, the base is the Western US training base for F-15s and there is plenty of sparsely populated desert east of here to fly over. No one has asked the cattle and pronghorn antelope how they feel about it.

The perfect penthouse

01 Jan 2011 1 4 344
Oh, how I would love to live up there! Midland, Oregon.

Detail, First National Bank building

19 May 2017 2 131
Built 1929, opened November, 1930. The bank closed many years ago and other businesses have occupied the building. . It is now occupied by a restaurant and offices.

Bas relief, First National bank building

19 May 2017 5 8 194
There are many panels depicting local industry. This one shows a logger wielding an axe. Built 1929, opened November, 1930. The bank closed many years ago and other businesses have occupied the building. It is now occupied by a restaurant and offices.

First National Bank building, now El Palacio Resta…

19 May 2017 11 19 538
This old photo shows the new bank in 1930. "The...First National Bank, founded in 1903, opened its doors on November 16, 1930. This was a three-story structure “suited to climatical conditions” of the region, according to the Klamath Falls Evening Herald of November 14. The architecture was loosely based on classical Greek elements such as the symmetrical façade and fluted pilasters, but the whole was subjected to an Art Deco interpretation characterized as Zigzag Moderne. The entire surface of the building was of gleaming white cast terra cotta on a black granite base. There were “sculptured panels [that] typify the forest and timbering, and the doughty lumberjack with his ax, who has for a background the modern artist’s conception of man’s greatest friend, the sun, and a display of the elements in the form of a stroke of lightning,” according to the Herald. A terra rendition of “the mythological god of the Mayans, named ‘Quetzecoatl’” was perched over the main entrance (Quetzacoatl was an Aztec word; the Mayan analog is Kukulcan). The Herald reporter was unable to effectively connect this figure with the “chief industries of the state of Oregon” but dutifully recorded its presence nonetheless. In a final touch of modernity, the entry included the first revolving door in the city." Source:

256 items in total