Hotel shuttle bus, back of the hotel

Architecture Vol. 2

Frontier Market

30 Jan 2013 3 6 438
Little grocery store series. This store suffered a robbery last year. When the police got there, the robber shot at a police officer and ran. The police found him at about 1 a.m. in the same neighborhood hiding in someone's yard. The robber fired again and an officer shot and killed him. This was horribly traumatic for the whole neighborhood, not to mention the residents of the house. My son and his family live about three blocks from this store.

Shasta Market

30 Jan 2013 9 9 447
Little grocery store series. Note the availability of live organ music! Sadly, the organ disappeared a few weeks after I got this photo. ; ) Also, it's open 7 DAYS A WEE. This is possibly the record for number of cables in front of one of my "little grocery stores."

St. Peter's Square, Vatican

23 Oct 2016 279
The red granite Egyptian Obelisk of Caligula is on the left-center. On top of the colonnades are 140 (!) saints. I was raised as a Presbyterian, so the idea of 140 saints was daunting, until I read that there are actually about 10,000 Catholic saints! Presbyterians (and other Protestants) don't revere saints in the same way as Catholics do, but specific Catholic saints are honored. "...the names of some Presbyterian churches include the names of saints: the Apostles of Jesus (Peter (or Simon), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Thomas and Matthew), the authors of the synoptic Gospels (Mathew, Mark, Luke and John), the first evangelist (Paul) and other Roman Catholic saints (Elmo (or Erasmus)), Stephen, Barnabus, Giles and Patrick)." Protestants don't canonize new saints or pray to saints. Source:

Richardson-Ulrich house

27 Oct 2016 4 6 380
This Queen Anne Shingle style house was originally a small farm house, built in 1885. A large addition was built in 1908. (Information from: ) It is currently vacant and seems to be in the process of rehab. What would possess someone to use these colors? Saturation slightly reduced - it's really more purple. Update : Surprisingly, I took a photo of this house in 2014. (See PiP.) Also, I can tell from the Google Earth image (June 2016) that it was still white then. So... this is the new color! It is on the National Register of Historic Places, which makes this paint even more of a travesty. I am surprised they were allowed to do this.

Ooooooo, a Halloween house

26 Oct 2016 9 14 349
Yes, it's bright purple. Why? : o

Red steps

27 Oct 2016 6 19 466
These are neighboring houses. I guess they shared the paint.

Rainy moody day

Hot & Cold Water!

28 Oct 2016 6 10 624
The old sign has been lovingly restored to advertise the benefits of accommodation at the Crater [residential] Hotel.


28 Oct 2016 1 2 314
The owners: Mrs. Song is from Kyushu, Japan. Mr. Song is from Korea, so they also have Korean barbecue. Mmmmm!


27 Oct 2016 1 2 220

Waiting for dinnertime

Second St. stairs

N. Second St. hill

Exile on Main Street (for Marcel)

28 Oct 2016 3 10 372
Yes, my friends, it's true. Almost every American city, large or small, has a Main Street.

256 items in total