In my '57 Chevy...Uh-oh...


Lovely ladders

Construction site

Pink VW

1929 Model A radiator cap

30 Jul 2012 5 1 682
AA272 Shiny things.

Duk factory

28 Jan 11 2 8 424
2015: This company updated its sign with a fancy, professional metal one. I prefer this one!

Fraternal Order of Eagles

Pink pillow

18 Apr 2019 3 2 381
An apparent homeless camp.

The Night Gnome

Pathologically enthused

23 Sep 2014 2 7 376
Wow, I'm scared! An outdated mannequin in a store window. Night shot - I walked back to my car for my camera for this. AA237 Had to stop

Flaming head with jazz hand

31 Mar 2015 4 3 400
Eek! On what planet do people smile like that? A scary, outdated mannequin in a store window. It was too creepy not to use, so I had to make this fuzzy shot presentable by using a painting effect.

Here I am again

12 Aug 2016 6 4 344
AA248 Throw away society.

Sidewalk chair

225 items in total