In my '57 Chevy...Uh-oh...



13 Feb 2015 1 369
Tenryu-ji Zen Temple.

Baby bull

13 Feb 2015 3 8 452
AA272 Shiny things.

"Path closed"

05 Nov 2013 3 4 492
A lovely and polite way to say Keep Out.


05 Nov 2013 1 269
Fushimi Inari-taisha

Fox with sheaf of rice

05 Nov 2013 2 2 322
" [The] Japanese kami [spirit] of foxes, of fertility, rice, tea and Sake, of agriculture and industry, of general prosperity and worldly success, and one of the principal kami of Shinto."

Fox with sheaf of rice

05 Nov 2013 1 1 396
" [The] Japanese kami [spirit] of foxes, of fertility, rice, tea and Sake, of agriculture and industry, of general prosperity and worldly success, and one of the principal kami of Shinto."

The fox

05 Nov 2013 1 2 361
A blurry fox at Fushimi Inari-taisha. Most of the foxes wore bibs, but I did not find out the significance.

Shrine guardian

05 Nov 2013 1 1 318
Fushimi Inari-taisha. AA317 Clothing.

Shrine guardian

05 Nov 2013 1 2 412
Fushimi Inari-taisha.

Torii (gate)

05 Nov 2013 3 4 489
I fell in love with the gorgeous red-orange used in many shrines and temples. AA338 - Red!

Window food

10 Feb 2015 5 3 595
This is all artificial food made of resin and plastic. It's quite an art to get this much realism for soup, for instance! 318 Man made.

狛犬・胡麻犬 (Komainu, the lion-dog guardian)

18 Jan 2016 1 511
高山神社 (Mountain Shrine)

Paw of the lion-dog. 狛犬・胡麻犬 (Komainu)

18 Jan 2016 1 325
高山神社 (Mountain Shrine)

Ocean Beach, San Francisco

The phone call

02 Jan 2012 4 2 509
At the Sydney waterfront. near the Opera House. A phone call after a night of partying, obviously multi-tasking with the corn and the wine. Perhaps it didn't go well. This scene made a good still life, especially with the big pay phone. A rarety! AA336 Favorite from long ago

Caught in the net

11 Dec 2017 2 3 608
Installation in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia. I have no idea whether the scaffolding was part of the display or they just weren't finished with this. AA255 It flies! .


04 May 2016 1 507
Occupied off and on by various homeless people. It's tiny, but it's shelter.

Bananas with blue pipe

225 items in total