RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot - Traffic red
There's a stranger in my house!
Betwixt and between
Fischer, welche Fahne weht?
Natural Blues
Fun mit Flags... (◕‿-)
Surf ’n’ Turf (◕‿-)
Trial by Fire
A train to nowhere
A hat 's not a hat till it's tilted...
Bavarian Hats
Silver Surfer
Face the Face
Junimond (June moon)
Un po 'a nord di Venezia... (◕‿-)
ALOHA from Balconia... or so! (◕‿-)
AUTOKÜHLER (car radiators)
Waschtag - Washing day (◕‿-)
# 9 - Color TV (◕‿-)
Eine Königin geht schlafen! - A Queen goes to slee…
♡♡♡ F*** you! ♡♡♡
7th May - today I don't feel like doing' anything.…
Weisswurscht is (◕‿-)
Second Hand Babies (◕‿-)
Octopus's Garden
White Sox (◕‿-)
Honey Twister
Ритм полис
Sex in the City
Pflanzen der Liebe - Plants of Love (♥‿-)
Dressed up for the shooting
Macro (◕‿-)
One Step Beyond
☠ ✰ ✰ KANTINE ✰ ✰ ☠
Gezinkt - Forked
Augsburg-Blume auf Feuertreppe ✿✿✿ Augsburg flowe…
Easter Brunch
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Address: unknown
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Address: unknown
See also...
Autos, Motorräder, Fahrzeuge - Cars, Bikes, Vehicles
Autos, Motorräder, Fahrzeuge - Cars, Bikes, Vehicles
On the Street - A Meetup for Flickr Refugee Street Shooters
On the Street - A Meetup for Flickr Refugee Street Shooters
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719 visits
BOMPEL - or, Future for Dummies (◕‿-)
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Future
➽ Bompel (= augschburgerisch für Bodenampel) sorgt für weltweites Medieninteresse. Die Stadtwerke Augsburg haben zunächst an zwei Straßenbahn-Haltestellen blinkende Bodenampeln installiert - so soll es vor allem für dauernd nach unten starrende Handynutzer mehr Sicherheit geben... mehr im Artikel der Augsburger Allgemeinen
➽ Bompel (= abbreviation in Augsburg dialect for "Bodenampel" = ground traffic light) ensures a worldwide media interest. Stadtwerke Augsburg (municipal utilities) have tentative installed flashing ground lights on two tram stops - so there should be more safety especially for constantly down staring mobile users... here an article of The Washington Post
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➽ Bompel (= augschburgerisch für Bodenampel) sorgt für weltweites Medieninteresse. Die Stadtwerke Augsburg haben zunächst an zwei Straßenbahn-Haltestellen blinkende Bodenampeln installiert - so soll es vor allem für dauernd nach unten starrende Handynutzer mehr Sicherheit geben... mehr im Artikel der Augsburger Allgemeinen
➽ Bompel (= abbreviation in Augsburg dialect for "Bodenampel" = ground traffic light) ensures a worldwide media interest. Stadtwerke Augsburg (municipal utilities) have tentative installed flashing ground lights on two tram stops - so there should be more safety especially for constantly down staring mobile users... here an article of The Washington Post
©UdoSm, Annemarie, , Indycaver (Norm) and 29 other people have particularly liked this photo
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Dida From Augsburg club has replied to LutzP clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to PhLB - Luc Boonen clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Dida From Augsburg clubOr do you mean we could use technology to even move the dummies around? So, no need to even think at all. Or the Matrix approach, where people don't have to move at all, and live in virtual reality =D
Only kidding of course ;-)
Karen's Place club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to LotharW clubAdmired in:
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to AmazingstokerAs for the future I just heard that somewhere in Germany they've installed lights into the pavement at road crossings so people don't need to drag themselves away from their smart phone screens to see if it's safe to cross! :(
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to autofantasia clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to uwschu clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to Diederik Santema clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to cammino clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to Clickity ClickDida From Augsburg club has replied to Rainer BlankermannDida From Augsburg club has replied to Gudrun clubWell, as my dad would say "They'll only do it once." ;)
Reminds me of this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGpVpsaItpU
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Karen's Place clubKaren's Place club has replied to Dida From Augsburg club- Zukunft, ganz praktisch gesehen.
... die Idee mit den "Bompeln" ist so simpel wie genial (die meisten genialen Ideen sind ja simpel - man denke nur an Reiß-und Klettverschluß).
... diese Bompel gehören unbedingt nach Berlin, wo orientierungslose Touris auf dem Alex ständig in Lebensgefahr vor den Straßenbahnen rumstolpern.
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to Heidiho clubich hab jetzt keine Ahnung, wieviele Unfälle tatsächlich durch diese "Smombies" verursacht werden, aber muss man die Blödheit auch noch fördern? Augen auf im Straßenverkehr! ;-D
Many thanks for all kind comments and stars! :))
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to LutzP clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to Chrissy clubund dennoch wirft es ein trauriges Bild auf unserer Gesellschaft.
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to TaorminaDida From Augsburg club has replied to Indycaver (Norm) clubDida From Augsburg club has replied to Shuttering YukonLG Udo
Dida From Augsburg club has replied to ©UdoSm clubSign-in to write a comment.