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Lagoon Nebula M8- One Dead Cable

Lagoon Nebula M8- One Dead Cable
While I was not the best I took advantage of doing some testing out only cause I could do it with out going outside in the cold it was all done from the warmth of the computer room.

This was a trial with the MeLE Nuc to see if things where right I had three nights to "play" with the whole set up. The Nuc sits under the Skywatcker ED80 so 5 long 3 m cables gone going to the laptop they all stay up on the top of the scope.

Night one did not work out at all could not get plate solve to work properly could hardly see the stars. After some two hours I gave up went to bed.

Night two I bumped plate solve exposure by more than double the time finally plate solve worked. So I thought I would try some thing to check if the system worked. On taking the very first photo it would not down load and I lost the camera. The usb cable that was supplied with the camera died. My only option was to bundle up my normal 3m cable and connect up to the camera and the Nuc and try a fix the whole lot to the scope. The whole thing looked like it was normally what I was use to seeing.

Night three I had to remove the dead cable and wrap the 3m one around the guide scope in the warm daylight ready for the night. I decided to do a real test set up the system to start on it own 6:45Pm. I sat in side the computer room and watched the sequence start flawless totally on its own. This is the result of those two nights some more 1m cables on there way to lessen the weight of cables. Plate solve has gone back to its normal 10 sec exposure time.

QHY183C -10c 226 shot 2 min
MeLE Mini PC
Prima Luce Essato Focus
Optolong LeNhance filter,
Skywatcher Black DiamondED80 OTA
Skywatcher NEQ 6 Pro
SVbony 50MM Guide scope
QHY QHY5L-II-M Guide camera
Guided PHD2, SGP
Pixinsight, Ps.

Nouchetdu38, Luc Reiniche, Gillian Everett, Ulrich John and 13 other people have particularly liked this photo

15 comments - The latest ones
 Ko Hummel
Ko Hummel club
this is one I just can get but is not worth trying. For me it is toolow, Your picture is again great
2 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to Ko Hummel club
Many thanks Ko I know just what you mean too low I have a lot of low targets this time of year I can't get to the north. worth a note I will start a target around the 25 degree mark but prefere to shoot 30 degrees or above cleaner skies less dust.
2 years ago.
Gudrun club
Like an alien from outer space:-) This looks fantastic, great work!
2 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to Gudrun club
It is both of them thats for sure, very happy the way this came out and to have found the problem that caused all the Hiccups.
2 years ago.
 Nick Weall
Nick Weall club
2 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to Nick Weall club
Many thanks Nick a little bit of outer world activity.
2 years ago.
 * ઇઉ *
* ઇઉ * club
Phenomenal results of your efforts, Steve!
Once again, I'm completely delighted.
2 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to * ઇઉ * club
many thanks it looks like I have been able to work out all the bugs in the system. this will be the home screen for the Nuc as it the first real photo it has capture.
2 years ago.
 Mariagrazia Gaggero
Mariagrazia Gaggero club
Fai degli scatti fantastici!
2 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to Mariagrazia Gaggero club
Thank you the work before seems a whole lot more worth while. Glad you like the shot.
2 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Steve
As always, a very impressive result. The sort of thing we can only ever see in books!
Best Wishes, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
2 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to Peter_Private_Box club
Thank you Peter as that is what got me started photos in my fathers books. The hard work getting here and the things that still go wrong only make what I am able to do as an achievement. this will be a better weekend than last weekend that I do know for a fact. you stay safe cause the other is not worth catching.
2 years ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
2 years ago.
Steve Paxton club has replied to Gillian Everett club
Thank you there are a lot out in space we would not even believe. This is my reach out into space it only gets bigger with a new scope.
2 years ago.
 Leo W
Leo W club
Wunderschön. So ein Nebel muss ja gigantisch sein im Vergleich zu den Sternen
5 months ago.

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