Young alligator


Young alligator

Young alligator

31 Mar 2017 6 8 320
This alligator was floating on the surface enjoying the spring sunshine.

Green anole on a tree

Alligator enjoying morning sunshine

Box turtle - Terrapene carolina

13 May 2017 4 11 268
My dogs catch these turtles. I take the turtles from them and try to distract the dogs. This individual has particularly bright colors.

Skink sex

20 May 2017 6 6 279
Plestiodon fasciatus On the Bluff Lake boardwalk. Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge.

Eastern hognose snake

24 Jun 2017 8 11 256
Heterodon platirhinos

Eastern fence lizard

24 Jun 2017 6 14 227
Sceleporus undulatus

Painted turtle stretching

Snapping turtle

Rough green snake

06 Sep 2017 12 22 254
Opheodrys aestivus

Green anole

30 Sep 2017 17 24 323
Anolis carolinensis

Carolina anoles on wall

27 Oct 2017 14 19 289
Anolis carolinensis. There were three of them, but the third one would not pose with the other two.

Well-balanced painted turtle

Alligators enjoying spring sunshine

Alligator enjoying warm sunshine

Young alligators

Two Carolina anoles

03 Apr 2018 2 2 169
Rivals evaluating each other

55 items in total