
Amelia club

Posted: 10 Jan 2025

Taken: 06 Jan 2025

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74 visits

HFF from Paignton

HFF from Paignton

Heide, Hubs 56, Jocelyne Villoing, Chris Bowness and 27 other people have particularly liked this photo

33 comments - The latest ones
LotharW club
Sie hat sich schön warm angezogen :-)). HFF, Amelia. Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes und sonniges Wochenende! Bleib gesund.
5 days ago.
 Erhard Bernstein
Erhard Bernstein club
HFF Amelia!
5 days ago.
 Nick Weall
Nick Weall club
En guard ~~~ HFF Dearest LGM ~~~ Hanwe ~~~
4 days ago. Edited 4 days ago.
 Mecklenburg-Foto (Reinhard L.)
Mecklenburg-Foto (Re… club
4 days ago.
 Karl Hartwig Schütz
Karl Hartwig Schütz club
HFF Dir!
4 days ago.
HFF Amelia
4 days ago.
 Jo WaLo
Jo WaLo club
HFF und ein schönes Wochenende!
4 days ago.
GrahamH club
HFF Amelia, I hope you had some potato chips for your feathered friend.
4 days ago.
uwschu club
hFF Amelia
4 days ago.
 Nicole Merdrignac
Nicole Merdrignac club
HFF. Superbe . Bon week-end.
4 days ago.
Mikus club
Gut getroffen. HFF, Amelia.
4 days ago.
 Mario Vargas
Mario Vargas club
sharp shot, HFF
4 days ago.
 Joe, Son of the Rock
Joe, Son of the Rock club
Nice herring gull, Amelia. The herring gulls seem to have usurped the common gulls from Dumbarton Quay. The black-headed gulls still proliferate, though. I hope you have an excellent weekend. Kindest regards, Joe
4 days ago.
 Stephan Fey
Stephan Fey club
HFF, Amelia!
4 days ago.
 Ernst Doro
Ernst Doro club
HFF und ein fröhliches WE!
4 days ago.
Christa1004 club
Nice seagull waiting for you to take your photo. HFF Amelia.
4 days ago.
Xata club
Used to humans… HFF Amelia.
4 days ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Spot on focus on the gulls eye and feather details Amelia!
4 days ago.
Annemarie club
nice this
Wish you a nice evening and coming weekend!
4 days ago.
 Percy Schramm
Percy Schramm club
Fantastic portrait, Amelia. HFF, wish you a fine weekend !
4 days ago.
I think it is waiting for more foods!
HFF and have a wonderful weekend,Amelia!

Best wishes
4 days ago.
 Ria V.
Ria V. club
Sie hätte wohl gerne ein Fischbrötchen :))) sehr schön! HFF!
4 days ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Amelia
A wonderful and interesting picture, which I like very much!
Very nice composition
Best Wishes, HFF, a nice weekend, and stay safe!!
4 days ago.
 Misou 49
Misou 49 club
Belle prise !
Bon week end Amélia .
4 days ago.
Loose_Grip/Pete club
Looks well fed, must have been stealing the tourist's fish & chips!
HFF Amelia. Enjoy the weekend.
4 days ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Great condition and well-fed by the look of it Amelia,

Thank you for posting your image in the group
4 days ago.
 Dimas Sequeira
Dimas Sequeira club
Perfect balance! I wouldn't try to stand on that fence. Belated HFF, Amelia!
4 days ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Fabulous capture!
4 days ago.
 Diana Australis
Diana Australis club
On the lookout for chips?
Nice one, Amelia….
4 days ago.
 * ઇઉ *
* ઇઉ * club
It seems to be patiently waiting for something. :)
Beautiful shot, Amelia!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
3 days ago.
 Chris Bowness
Chris Bowness club
Nicely caught. It's just waiting for someone to walk past with a sandwich! :)
3 days ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
Bien planté sur ses pa-pattes, joli portrait !
HFF Amélia.
3 days ago.
 Hubs 56
Hubs 56 club
how are you?
2 days ago.

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