Lea d'ipernity's most read articles

  • One more year with you!

    - 22 083 visits
    I wish you all the best for 2009! Thanks to you ipernity is a wonderful community HAPPY NEW YEAR ;)) --------------------------------------------- Je vous souhaite à tous une excellente année 2009 ! Grâce à vous, ipernity est une formidable communauté BONNE ANNEE ;)) --------------------------------------------------------------- feliç any nou - 新年快乐 - godt nytår - gelukkig nieuwjaar…

  • Happy birthday ipernity !!!

    - 19 310 visits

  • SWPA 2010 : and the winners are... / et les gagnants sont...

    - 18 570 visits
    The winning photos in professional competition of the 2010 Sony World Photography Awards were announced yesterday evening at the Awards ceremony at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes. Les photos gagnantes de la compétition professionnelle des Sony World Photography Awards 2010 ont été révélées hier soir à la cérémonie de remise des prix au Palais des Festivals de Cannes. Laetitia and Seyda are the members who guessed the most winners (4 on 12 categories) at our little game . We are g…

  • Merry & happy

    - 16 103 visits
      I wish you a happy Christmas and a happy new year 2008. May all your wishes come true :)    

  • [EN|FR] How ipernity nearly lose its mascot | Comment ipernity a failli perdre sa mascotte

    - 14 915 visits
    [EN] How ipernity nearly lose its mascot... The drama occurred at 10 AM (GMT) this morning. Bully and I were late. As usual, I was shouting at him (as if he was responsible for!). A few more minutes to lose: we had to throw the garbage (the detail is so important). Hurry up! In the lift! The doors close. On the road from the second floor to 3rd basement... And from here, the drama happened... In my haste, I forgot to keep Bully's leash in hands! The lift was g…

  • We are the champions!

    - 13 785 visits
    ipernity is the winner of the 2nd Open Web Awards in Photo Sharing category This victory is the result of the fantastic support of the ipernity community. Dear friends, thank you ♥ so much for voting for us and making the buzz. You gave us the best Christmas gift we could ever receive. And you gave ipernity a worldwide recognition. We are proud to work everyday to make ipernity your ultimate home for digital life. Let's sing all together... A…

  • Frohe Weihnachten - Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noël - Feliĉan Kristnaskon - Vrolijk kerstfeest - Feliz Navidad- Bon Nadal- Feliz Natal - Buon Natale - 圣诞快乐 - Καλά Χριστούγεννα - Felices festas...

    - 13 505 visits
    Léa, Christophe, Tristan, Christian, Nicolas & Franck wish you and yours a Merry Christmas! . . Freshly posted Christmas cards from our dear members ;-)

  • [FR] Exposez vos talents sur notre page d’accueil ! [EN] Promote your talents on the ipernity frontpage! [DE] Zeigt Euer Talent auf der Ipernity Startseite!

    - 13 438 visits
    [FR] Exposez vos talents sur notre page d’accueil !   Votre photo affichée toute une semaine sur la page d'accueil d'ipernity ? Tuvalu vient de lancer le groupe ipernity Frontpage Contest , dont le principe est d'organiser tous les mois un concours qui permettra à la photo gagnante d'être publiée sur la page d’accueil d'ipernity.   Le thème du concours ce mois-ci est le premier anniversaire d'ipernity Tentez votre chance… partic…

  • I've got my iPhone too! / Moi aussi j'ai mon iPhone !

    - 13 435 visits
    What about You? Et vous ?   It's a widget created by Joe Johnston with Adobe AIR. A great simulator which allows you to test some of the iPhone features :) C'est un simulateur de l'iPhone créé par Joe Johnston via Adobe AIR qui permet de tester certaines de ses fonctionnalités, comme le web ou l'iPod.   Here is mine / Voici le mien   If you want yours / Si vous voulez le vôtre : Adobe AIR for windows:…

  • Help us in translating our FAQ into English!

    - 10 785 visits
    Hurray! We have finally completed the rewrite of Ipernity's F.A.Q. in our native language (French). We are looking for English-native volunteers who could help us in translating this same F.A.Q into English. In exchange for your helping us translate Ipernity's F.A.Q. from French to English, we will offer you a "Pro" account. This is our way of showing you how much we appreciate your language translation contributions! Interested? Send me an iperMail and I will try to respond as qu…

  • Big news !

    - 9 467 visits
    Vous pouvez importer vos photos depuis Flickr !   You can import your photos from Flickr! Pour en savoir plus, lisez le Blog ipernity

  • [GB|FR|ES|DE] How to post a Youtube video / Comment publier une vidéo de Youtube

    - 8 766 visits
    Step 1   > On Youtube (or DailyMotion) display the video Sur Youtube (ou DailyMotion), affichez la vidéo I r al video de youtube que deseas pegar. Ein Video auf Youtube (oder DailyMotion) anzeigen > Copy the "embed" code Copiez le CODE (ou "embed" en anglais) Copia el código EMBED Den „embed“-Code kopieren   Step 2  …

  • Fight for kisses...

    - 8 562 visits

  • MiniSlideshow: your ipernity badge now available!

    - 6 764 visits
    Thanks to Franck from the ipernity Team and our brand-new API we are proud to announce our very first ipernity badge MiniSlideshow with Ken Burns effect inside... so chic! MiniSlideshow is a Flash badge you can put in your blog or your web site, to show photos from ipernity. Only public photos are displayed. You can create your own badge, choosing its size (square from 100 up to 200 pixels), photos to be displayed (yours, from a group, everyone's...) and…

  • Vote for ipernity!

    - 5 881 visits
    * 2008/11/17 update * nominations are closed. Thanks to everyone for your support. Nominees will be released on 2008/11/19. Stay tuned! Vote for ipernity at Open Web Awards and contribute to make your favorite site more popular ;-) Thanks to our dear members for promoting in their blog: assbach , Dany , Jan , Roberto , Lilette , Sherry , Dulcinée ...

  • Thanks to all of you! / Merci à vous tous !

    - 5 174 visits
    I have to thank all the people who wish my B-day! Je tiens à remercier toutes celles et ceux qui m'ont souhaité mon anniversaire I tried to reply to each person (btw sorry for my late answers and for my incorrect english :) and I hope I forgot nobody... J'ai essayé de répondre à chacun (d'ailleurs, pardonnez-mon retard et mes fautes d'anglais :) and j'espère n'avoir oublié personne... Big kiss!  

  • [EN] Open Web Awards: ipernity in the final round top 3

    - 4 996 visits
    * 2008/12/16 update: voting is now closed. You were fantastic! Winners will be announced today (US time). Hold your breath! * Thanks to all the members who voted for ipernity over the past week at the 2nd Open Web Awards ... w e a r e i n t h e f i n a l r o u n d t o p 3 Final voting begins today and closes December 15th we need you to win! VOTE (everyday) Yes, you can even vote one time per day till D…

  • Quelle tête aurez-vous à 70 ans ?

    - 4 927 visits
    Le site ING Direct , pour ne pas le citer, a mis en place une application assez amusante qui permet de voir la façon dont nous allons vieillir. Evidemment, je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de l'essayer, histoire de voire si la fortune laissée dans les soins et autres crèmes anti-rides avait servi à quelque chose... Le résultat est, comment dire, assez particulier... mais amusant. Après avoir passé quelques minutes à déterminer l'ovale de mon visage, placer mes yeux, détourer ma bouche et…

63 articles in total