Just lately, life has been one long rush rush busy busy. There are time constraints on my job; customers want their orders, drivers have to go out, and it all feels like one big rush. When I get home, I rush to let the dog out, put away any shopping, grab some lunch, then it’s a rush to get dinner ready. Some days I have to tell myself to slow down; there is no time constraint on dinner, or the ironing and so on.

In my late teens and early twenties, I rushed everywhere, and my Mother would often complain, if we out together, that I walked too fast. I then discovered Tai Chi and all that stopped; I didn’t do anything fast anymore. I liked it well enough for a good number of years, then I grew disenchanted with my particular group and I stopped going. I still did things on the down low, but with this job, I find I’m speeding up again.

I allow myself an hour to get ready for work which provides ample time to deal with the dog, have breakfast, and even check my mail; I don’t like to rush too much in the mornings. One morning I was eating breakfast in the kitchen and thought: what’s that noise? I opened the back door, and seriously, it was bird song. It seems like so long since we’ve had any decent bird song here and the Ship’s Dog and I simply stood in the garden, quietly, and listened to it. It was lovely. Now, with the weather getting better, and spring approaching, I’m noticing it more. I’ve even seen some patches of crocus flowers which are lovely. The gravel patch will be in bloom soon enough with bluebells so that’s something to look forward to.

This weekend I turned down overtime; I’ve completed 15 hours of overtime recently and whilst the extra money will be nice, I don’t want to overdo it and make myself ill. Besides, if I earn too much, it will only go to the tax man and student loan people. So, I spent the extra time on Sunday filling out details for the Census. It’s so lovely; they ‘invite’ you to complete it with the ‘catch’ that if you don’t then you could be liable to a £1,000 fine. Lovely! Personally, I find it intrusive, and why they want the post code of my employer is anybody’s business! The gender questions are a tad nosy too. Who cares if I’m gay, or not? I’m not, by the way, though my orientation is my business; what possible reason do the government have for wanting to know that? It’s done now, and they state this could be the last one as they plan to get our details from other sources in the future. Oh, that’s not worrying at all is it… My kid sister in Wales says she doesn’t know anything about it though I’m certain this is a national Census. I advised her that she may have people call on her if she hasn’t completed it.

The beef is cooking for a pie, and it smells delicious. The sun is shining. And it’s not too noisy here. A good Sunday.

Take care, have a good week, and be safe out there.