Le miroir de l'aube's favorite articles

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  • Cabalism - Cabalismo

    Logotype of the Cabalistic Order Rosacruz
    I am mystic not cabalistic support of signs numerals prior arranged serials to cover obscure intentions the naked truth is I am cabalistic of 0 and its null result which can't be defined because it's equal to nothing of any invented illusion. Sou místico não cabalístico suporte de sinais algarismos e séries previamente ordenadas para encobrir obscuras intenções…

  • Nightfall Rumble - Rumor da Tarde

    Benfica, happy hour
    Nightfall rumble imprecation to the sun solidity in the water's penury remains of useless prayer in the soul's disquiet dodecaphonic symphony at the homecoming. Rumor da tarde imprecação à solidez do sol na penúria de água despojo de oração inútil na inquietude da alma sinfonia dodecafónica no regresso a casa. by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVR…

  • Butterfly - Borboleta

    Provocatively unstable dream comes as a butterfly flight or other ultralight insect that a bit strong breeze throws against the garden's flowers O sonho passa provocadoramente instável tal voo de borboleta ou outro ultra-leve insecto que uma brisa mais forte atire contra as flores do jardim by Armando TABORDA, in "PALAVRAS QUE AS MARÉS APAGAM", Edição Escola de Mar, 2014 (post 1st edition, 2011; 2nd edition, 2016;…

  • PC

    One Hour of Battery Remains
    One hour of battery remains to write what I don't know nor if the time is enough. An allegory's project crosses my brain looking for a voice or a keyboard. Right now wording floats white cloud up above the closed mobile personal computer. (to read the Portuguese original version click on the picture) by Armando Taborda, unpublished text, 2009

  • Confidences - Confidências

    Complicity (2)
    Confidences are like rain which is shipwrecked into the gutters soon after it wets the city' streets and avenues. As confidências são como a chuva que após molhar as ruas e avenidas da cidade naufraga n…

  • Might be today - Poderá ser hoje

    Might be today the unconscious stream of words on the piece of paper
    Might be today the unconscious stream of words on the piece of paper. The text generates itself awakes in the day's routine adjusts to repeated acts which push the poet into the street. Words line up grammatically arranged the expresso at the counter of the corner's coffee shop formats the text the random poem keeps written. Could be kept into the drawer like others.…

  • Next Soul - Próxima Alma

    Everyday there are incoming new souls
    I have time to disintegrate in pieces of myself thought's implosion or from the life? W hatever the wind scattered cells unity remains destroyed thought gets lost and body as well waiting for the next incomig soul . Tenho tempo para me desintegrar em pedaços de mim implosão do pensamento ou da vida? Sejam quais forem as célula…

  • Amnesia

    Symphony No. 7, Anton BRUCKNER
    Amnesia sounds persecute your gutter's memory. Hybrid parables meddle in the allegro moderato of the initial daybreak fantastic inhibited suffered repeated and from being so beautiful the second movement still repeats the twilight at the madness' horizon. (to read the Portuguese original version click on the picture) by Armando TABORDA…

  • In the city - Na cidade

    I run cause you run but I depart cause you stay full of hopes at the schism stop. We were riding on the social dynamics from the reverse of your right interior to the right of my left exterior and all and everything aferwards. Right now I remember the slow political magnetism theory degenerating into an obelisk of stone monumental of incapability in the city and time when the soul was too small. Right now…

  • Lassitude...

    Au petit matin, elle a ouvert les yeux, S’est levée dans la routine d’un jour pluvieux. Elle a gagné, en baillant, la salle de bains, à peine éveillée. Toilette terminée, elle ira boire son café. En entrant dans sa cuisine, un petit mot sur le frigo… Comme tous les jours, différents, mais qui la secoue de sanglots. Cela fait des lustres qu’ils ne se parlent plus. C’est anormal ! En S’approchant, elle lit : « N’ou…

  • Les rêves...

    Les rêves...
    Les rêves sont inépuisables, les envies profondes On vogue sur la barque de divers mondes. Les éclats de rires et les doutes Sont le terreau de mots qui s’ajoutent Aux fragments d’infini de l’esprit Qui auréolent souvent des douleurs amoindries. On s’offre des tendresses ondoyantes De pensées dispersées et bienfaisantes. Dans l’embrasure d’émois en silence De paisibles harmonies e…

  • Nothing to do - Nada para fazer

    This Is The Way The World Goes
    What I do is the question of doing nothing because there is nothing to do then I disguise seated before a typewriter AZT keyboard which I spell with fingers and the sheet of paper letter by letter teach me the morning emptiness. I still breathe with one of the first morning cigarettes the esophagus' taste of breakfast imported from UK «milk and coconut biscuits». So to speak the subject now comes up from solitude and the words' space is a hiss into my…

  • Pré destinée automatique

    Le tremble s'ouvre aux écailles de la nuit Demain sera sous-marin Ses nageoires feront des trouées où viendront s'engouffrer nos rêves à demi L'encre des poulpes gonflera les méduses de leur noire destinée à ventre perdu chaque poisson cavalera vers une lumière soudaine, un éclair de roche des pépites suspendues Sans doute, le tendre s'accrochera au dur sans cesse, eau et air se feront l'a…

  • Solitude - Solidão

    The Peace of Light
    I dare to claim the vastness of dawn on me without text nor reading nor dream. Leave me the peace of waiting for light in the solitude of this writer from moderate expression. Atrevo-me a reivindicar a vastidão da madrugada em mim sem texto nem leitura nem sonho. Deixem-me a paz da espera da luz na solidão deste vosso escritor de comedida…

  • Words - Palavras


  • Yesterday - Ontem

    Threshold (4)
    Yesterday in the coronary-graphic' screen I saw ways of my inner body fat calcifications and other squeezes trying to prevent the catheter progression looking for my soul that after all I didn't see. Ontem no monitor da coronariografia vi caminhos no interior do meu corpo artérias pulsando sangue gordura calcificações e outros apertos tentando impedir a progressão do cateter à procura de minha alma…

  • Mahatma Gandhi

    India, water supply
    I learned the resistance's technique with Mahatma Gandhi at the sacred river banks where famine swells bodies of cadavers and divine cows pasture shiny fats with big horns of knowledge. A técnica da resistência aprendi-a com o Mahatma Gandhi nas margens do rio sagrado onde a fome incha os corpos dos cadáveres e as vacas pastam divinas luzidias anafadas e com grandes cornos de sabedoria.…

  • For Lionel Deyna - Para Lionel Deyna

    Lionel Deyna et Moi
    For Lionel Deyna Cartesian birds plane fat ideas from highs which control tiny dreams fears and utopias as soul's projects. Mammal birds attack in circle at twilight afterwards they dream night hanging in caves where sunlight doesn't come in. Unforeseen and poetic low-flying voices run away from the hunt's…

  • Spontaneous semen - Sémen espontâneo

    There Is No Clever Reason to Hide My Heart
    In the long night veins nerves muscles scars and other tissues throb on me spontaneous semen as a water thread drop by drop oozed on my stone's abdomen. Petrified in granite I shine from quartz crystals will-o'-the-wisp over the sleeping grave where I bury myself. Appropriately I get older through this mineral mutation towards the ether where I float serene in a spacecraft of smiling light as the sl…

  • Sleepy - Sonolento

    Lisboa, thunderstorm over the Bridge Vasco da Gama (2)
    Sleepy I get numb over roofs against cracked clouds late sun shines through fans of light awake up buildings planted on streets hurted by cars in constant movement to uncertain destinies certainly a public department an office a coffee shop a commercial center a residence a clandestine appointment. Rain doesn't stop glory lightni…

112 articles in total