giovanegian's groups

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Public groups in which giovanegian is an administrator

Public groups in which giovanegian is a member

  • Film Photography

    Film Photography

    Created 16 years ago

    Share your photos shot on film. 135 film, 120 film, large format, whatever. B/W, C-41, E-6, you name it. Film photos only, please no digicam pics. Camera and/or film information should be included in submissions to the pool. Please add that data; either in the tags or description. Anyone can only upload 5 images per day.

  • Pentacon Six's world

    Pentacon Six's world

    Created 16 years ago

    Welcome all photos taken by Praktisix, Pentacon Six and Pentacon Six TL.

  • Black & White Film Photography

    Black & White Film Photography

    Created 11 years ago

    Show us your best analog black&white pictures taken with any film camera. It would be nice if you could mention the camera and/or the film that was used. HAVE FUN...

  • Leica


    Created 16 years ago

    FOR PHOTOS TAKEN WITH LEICA CAMERA (Digital or Film) WHAT IS LEICA Leica is the name of several cameras produced by a German company of the same name. The company, formerly Ernst Leitz GmbH, is now three companies: Leica Camera AG, which produces cameras; ... read more

  • Shanghai GP3 Negative B&W Film

    Shanghai GP3 Negative B&W Film

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for people who use Shanghai Film. This film is available via the net from eBay and is low cost. That doesn't mean low quality though, oh no! This film is capable of high qualiy results. It's has super fine grain. Interesting strange qualities of Shanghai Film: 1) It's a Panchromatic Black and White Film 2) The film itself is very, very curly post processing 3) The emulsion seems to be a clone of Kodak Plus-X or FP4. 4) There are no frame numbers on the film 5) The Film Speed is…

  • I Shoot Film

    I Shoot Film

    Created 11 years ago

    This is the place for film lovers to post their work and talk about everything film. Members may start topics on any subject. Please mark off-topic threads with 'OT' Please invite your friends and contacts. Please mail me with any suggestions or start a thread. This is a democracy - thanks. More to come......... *update* I have limited the upload limit to 5 per day - this is so the front page doesn't get filled up with uploads by the same person. I hope this is to everyone's satisfaction.…

  • Film is not dead it just smells funny

    Film is not dead it just smells funny

    Created 16 years ago

    A group for photographers who are NOT using a digital camera. 35mm, 6x6, Polaroid, pinhole, holga, color black and white, whatever, even Liquid Light as long it is not digitally shot. We know it's difficult to check your format so we trust you. Please discuss and invite your friends.

  • film's dead but it won't lie down

    film's dead but it won't lie down

    Created 11 years ago

    This isn't an evangelical group. It's aim is to have high quality film based images. Artistic merit using film is what I'd like to see. We all know what art is I think, so that means it's wide open. Max posting rules aren't present and won't be unless the pool turns into a dumping ground. Bring on the film!

  • Analoge Fotografie - photographie analogue

    Analoge Fotografie - photographie analogue

    Created 16 years ago

    Gruppe für analoge Fotografie - egal ob Kleinbild, Mittelformat oder Großformat - Hauptsache auf Film. Gerne dürfen hier auch Tipps und Tricks ausgetauscht werden!

  • Expired Film

    Expired Film

    Created 16 years ago

    random colors & (un)desired effects all cause by expired film