About Gary Benson (grbenson3 on flickr)

From: Los Angeles

It seems my camera information never shows under my pictures. Most of my pictures were taken with a Nikon D800 and some earlier work on a Nikon D300. I purchased a Nikon Z7 just before the pandemic (what a dumb thing that turned out to be). I'm a photo software junkie so here are a few of the programs I use most: Photoshop, Lightroom (Creative Cloud versions), Topaz Sharpen AI, Topaz Studio 2, Topaz Denoise AI, Topaz Impressions, and Luminar 4.

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Occupation: Retired Dentist


Travel, music, gardening, and well I'm too old for most everything else.

Favorite music and artists:

Good old fashioned Rock, some classical, and Pop opera especially if sung by Sarah Brightman.