Gary Benson (grbenson3 on flickr)'s photos

Flakstadpollen Bay

07 Sep 2022 42 39 293
Lofoten Islands, Norway

Chinese Lanterns

15 Sep 2017 28 14 160
The Chinese Garden in San Francisco, California

Nice Viewpoint

04 Oct 2019 33 26 304
Captured from the south rim of Crater Lake at Crater Lake National Park, Oregon. The Island is called Wizard Island.

Devil's Garden Fins

10 Nov 2022 32 20 206
The trail (lower right) leads to a hidden arch between the fins.

Looking Up

28 Sep 2022 35 30 180
Captured in central Hamburg, Germany.

Oh! My Sweet Tooth!

18 Sep 2022 15 12 132
Chocolate, Bruges,Belgium.

Sandstone Fins

10 Nov 2022 15 10 139
It's not always hot in the desert. Devil's Garden Arches National Park.

Stopping For A Smoke

01 Jun 2010 5 1 129

Fading Sunshine

07 Sep 2022 33 27 161
Captured at the small harbor in Hamnoy Norway as clouds were about to cut off the sunshine.


31 Oct 2021 25 9 127
Captured in Silver Falls State Park, Oregon

Multnomah Falls

02 Nov 2021 15 8 86
This is three images stitched together. Multnomah Falls is a 620ft waterfall located on Multnomah Creek in the Columbia River Gorge, east of Troutdale, between Corbett and Dodson, Oregon, United States. The waterfall is accessible from the Historic Columbia River Highway and Interstate 84


05 Nov 2021 18 6 94
The fence caught this wind-blown Oregon Bigleaf Maple leaf. Mount Tabor Park Portland, Oregon.

Moab Sunset

05 Nov 2022 23 13 217
Lenticular clouds over the La Sal mountains seen from Moab Utah.

Rocks in Balance

05 Nov 2022 33 17 148
Captured near Green River Utah

Flakstadpollen Bay Inlet

07 Sep 2022 26 16 118
Lofoten Islands Norway.

Paper Texture

28 Nov 2021 20 6 107
Japanese maple leaves over a blue paper texture.

Three Red Leaves

28 Nov 2021 5 64
Japanese Maple leaves.

Flaming Maple Leaves

28 Nov 2021 21 13 117
Japanese maple leaves.

100 items in total

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