Team's articles with the keyword: removal

  • 2018-10-26 Newsflash

    - 26 Oct 2018
    Storage Costs for ipernity
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The restart of ipernity after the maintenance work was unfortunately somewhat rough. This was caused by one of two backup servers which have been additionally integrated. But from now on ipernity should run to our all advantage with enlarged security reserves. 2) For the announced cleanup of the ipernity database, all necessary tools are implemented now. The cleanup itself will take place in the background during the next days and can also…

  • 2018-10-12 Newsflash

    - 12 Oct 2018
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Pam's recovery is gradually progressing. Periodical information can be found at Clickity Click . 2. On Monday, Oct. 15. 2018, our returnee offer ends. So far it has been accepted by 139 users. More than 277,500 documents are now publicly visible again. The additional contribution margin is 3,543 EUR. Less the mailing costs and the cost reduction missed during the three-and-a-half-month offer phase, 1,…

  • 2018-06-28 Newsflash

    - 28 Jun 2018
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Since ipernity is now technically up to date again, we offer all free users the opportunity to upgrade their account to a club account at half price by Sept. 30, 2018. Details and conditions can be found here: retournee-offer After October 1, 2018, the ipernity database will be cleaned from the invisible content of free users. You can also find out about the advantages this measure has for both users and the communi…

  • 2018-10-28 Newsflash

    - 28 Sep 2018
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Pam is on the mend. She can stand again with support, takes first steps and already eats soft food. It's scheduled to transfer her to a rehab center today. To stay up-to-date, please also follow the news Pam's friends publish regularly underneath the previous newsflash: 2) About this misfortune our plea to write some nice words about ipernity in the various existing rankings has unfortunaly faded a little…