Roberto Ballerini - traveling's articles with the keyword: gm

  • New version of flickr.importer

    - 28 Jun 2007
    Nouvelle version de flickr.importer Nuova versione di flickr.importer

  • Testing a new GM script: Ipernity Easy Photo Post

    - 29 Jun 2007
    I partially translated Mortimer's Flickr Easy Photo Post for Ipernity. It remembers the last 15 pictures visited and let you post it in 4 different formats in blog and shot comments. I'm testing it and I gave it to Ipernity Team for approval. This is an example of small format posting of my last 2 uploaded pics:   "Country at night" by Roberto Ballerini // HAL9000 [?] "Solitude" by Roberto Ballerini // HAL9000 [?]