Roberto Ballerini - traveling's articles with the keyword: HDR

  • Still experimenting with QtPfsGUI

    - 29 Aug 2007
    ... and I am unable to decide which operator is more natural; all of them have drawbacks.

  • QtPfsGUI operators

    - 29 Aug 2007
    An example of the results given by the different QtPfsGUI operators on the same set of bracketed shots.

  • QtPfsGUI

    - 28 Aug 2007
    An open source alternative to Photomatix for making HDR

  • Variations

    - 20 Jul 2007
    Let me know what do you think about QtPfsGUI operators. This is one of the three original bracketed shots:   "Sunset (RawStudio output)" by Roberto Ballerini // HAL9000 [?] and these are four different tonemappings obtained from an HDR composition of the bracketed shots: NOTE: there are shadows due to movements between the bracketed shots: I haven't used a tripod and I slightly moved.