Latest photos

Updated on: 10 Mar 2023.

Ireland 2017, album created on 05 Jun 2017

11 items in total.

127, album created on 18 Apr 2014

9 items in total.

About Terry B

66 420 visits

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tiltdesign2011 Ned jd weiss Graham Hughes J P Jackson Formica Marta Wojtkowska


 jd weiss
jd weiss
wonderful photos-looking forward to going through your old ones and seeing your new posts
10 years ago.
 Terry B
Terry B
Wow! I didn't know I had a guestbook! Thanks--will stay in touch. I was just over on my flickr page getting angry with the mess they're making of it. Gotta get more people to move here!!!
11 years ago.

Want to write a little note as well?