Group: Global Culture Community


Denish C
06 Jun 2013 - 1 comment - 548 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

Hello everyone!

I am very happy to be a member of this group which focuses on the world's cultural diversity as this topic interests me greatly. Handicrafts are also a part of culture and I have started a new Ipernity group called "Handicrafts of the World". If any of you would like to join or post images on it you can find it here:

Thank you and good luck with this group.

Denish C.
 Denish C
Denish C
Thanks so much Kalena Reyna for your good wishes, and apologies for taking so long to reply. Also, if you know any other members who photograph handicrafts and handicrafts people, please feel free to tell them about them to this group.

Best regards,
Denish C.
10 years ago.

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