Group: The earth from above - Die Erde von oben

Climbing The Kitzbüheler Horn (6)

H.F.F. - In the Chairlift

H.A.N.W.E - in Schmirn Valley

From Bird's-eye... / З висоти пташиного лету

Flights over our town #2

Our moto hang-glider performs a landing

Glacial Worlds

The Famous Pisciadù Bridge


Matchbox Cars

Bridge Without Purpose

Sundown Over The Alps

Eldorado For Cyclists

Climbing to Cima Capi

Valley of Inn

Where Vultures are Resting

Pleasure for Retirees (1)

Tightrope Walk

Ossario del Pasubio

Middle Temple Hall


The Landing Place

* Ascension *

* Flying Christmas ~~~~ *

The River

The Forest

The Bavarian Sea

Visiting Wallis on our way back