Keyword: flickr

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  • 2018-12-21: Christmas Newsflash/Newsflash de Noël/Weihnachts-Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In order to better inform incidental visitors from the web that ipernity is a non-commercial community and thus different from most other photo sharing platforms, we have changed the information text on the login page. 2) In addition, we have finally implemented the long-awaited donation button. We would appreciate it if you would make use of it, so that the various wishes for the further development of our website can be realized earli…


    Family and Friends
    What makes Ipernity an online photo sharing community that works? Read my take on this important and timely subject.

  • 2018-11-23 Newsflash

    New Subscription Packages
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After having weighed all requests for changes made by the Community with regard to the new ipernity tariff structure, today we present you a revised proposal. It is intended to make this structure official by November 30, 2018, after a final fine-tuning, if necessary, so that Flickr and Google+ users who are willing to move will be able to find out what to expect from ipernity. 2) We aim to implement the new tariff structure…

  • 111111 visitors

    111111 visitors
    Yeah, 111111 visitors... This looking 133+, doesn´t it? ;-) 111111 real visitors at ipernity are equal to 001100010011000100110001001100010011000100110001 visitors in binary system... .----/.----/.----/.----/.----/.----//// in morsecode... 96e79218965eb72c92a549dd5a330112 as PHP- md5-sum... 097cdb1d as CRC32... or around 2000000 visits compared to buggy flickr-counting... ;o) :-) Thank you all - for your visits, your comments, your faves, your friendship! (The guys who are…

  • A New Name On An Anniversary

    My gateway to the wonders of the web...the PsVita home page.

  • Image de valeur: Un tigre de Sibérie.

  • Huhu? Anybody being around here?

    It seemed like ipernity is going to sleep-mode again, I suggest just quite after the last movement from flickr the same this time will happen. I think most of the "new arrived" guys have bought a 3 mounth - club-membership to test things out and see what happen (and moved away cause they are aware just about hits and counters). This three mounths (from end of may) will end in these days - and it´s getting quite more silent the last weeks than it was in may and june... So it seemed like thing…

  • You are removed from the group New Flickr Survivors

    You are removed from the group New Flickr Survivors
    Today I found the following message in my inbox which was telling me that a moderator of this group had removed me. Well, it wasn´t my most favorited group over Ipernity so far but beside of that I was bemused cause since now I thought that my helping of new arrived ipernity-members would be welcomed in this group. I didn´t expected that there was any comprehensible reason for doing something like that cause I don´t acting like a troll or talking against other guys…

  • New on Ipernity

    I have been on Flickr for four years. Yesterday, while browsing I discovered Ipernity. What made my mind was the fact that it allowed some sort of blogging. I have tried several solutions : tumblr , wordpress etc. I think Ipernity offers a new way, I will try to explore. It is not impossible that I will shut down some of my previous attempts if this new experience happens to be conclusive.

  • Galgenhumor aus dem Mund eines seit 6 Jahren bei Ipernity seienden Ex-Flickr-Nutzers (english summary in commentsection)

    Service - Status: Zur Zeit liegen keine größeren Probleme vor
    Warum der Zeitpunkt, bei dem auf einer Fotocomunityseite nichts außer dem schreiben von Kommentaren mehr funktioniert (dieses schließt nicht das anschließende Verfolgen von daraus folgenden Diskussionen ein) ideal erscheint, um gerade dann für die Nutzung dieser Webseite Geld zu bezahlen

  • One Week Later

    Well a week has now passed since I came to visit ipernity amidst the tumoil I found on flickr. Time does fly. I thought I would give my impressions of my new home so far and have a last rant about flickr before I vow to never mention it here again...I'm sure most of you are sick of the constant rehashing of a site we once loved so much. My first thought about ipernity was how nice it looked especially after what had just assaulted my senses mere minutes earlier. The white background, each pho…

  • Auf Ipernity vorhandene Statistiken

    ipernity-howto - Infos über nützliche ipernity-Funktionen, die ihr vielleicht noch nicht kennt
    Immer und immer wieder fallen mir in verschiedenen Diskussionen die Leute auf, die frisch von Flickr hereingeschneit kommen und hier nun ihre von Flickr bekannten Statistiken vermissen. Ich frage mich dann immer, was sie hier eigentlich vermissen, denn eigentlich sind die Statistiken, die Ipernity einem anbietet, deutlich umfangreicher und aussagekräftiger wie das, was es bei Flickr jemals gab (zumal dann, wenn man bei Flickr einen kostenlosen Account hatte- nämlich außer Hits gar keine Informationen). Hier hingegen gibt es Statistiken für alle, und zwar reichlich. Insgesammt überwiegt bei mir der Eindruck, diese Leute schreien erst einmal los, dass sie gerne Statistiken hätten, bloß weil sie hier keinen entsprechenden mit "Statistiken" beschrifteten Knopf vorfinden, ohne das diejenigen vorher wirklich mal nachgesehen hätten, was es hier bereits an statistischen Material zur kostenlosen Nutzung gibt. Deswegen werde ich im folgenden Artikel mal die ganzen Statistiken erläutern, welche es auf Ipernity bereits heute gibt, die weit über das hinausgehen, was es bei Flickr jemals gab, selbst wenn man für einen Account bezahlt hatte.

  • A week in Ipernity

    I'm here because Flickr annoyed me - I'm not going to dwell on that, though. I've signed up for two years, so now I'm committed thought it would be more positive to sum up my opinions on Ipernity after a week of use. First off, the interface is much cleaner than the new Flickr one. I think some of the navigation is less intuitive, but perhaps that's just because I'm so used to Flickr. It's clearly influenced by the old Flickr interface but there are some subtle differences. It does seem to ta…

  • Don't let ipernity become the new flickr!

    Yes, like most other flickr refugees, I'm setting up a new home on ipernity because I don't like the changes flickr has made or the way they were implemented. Yes, ipernity is a lot like the 'old' flickr and perhaps that is why it has attracted so many of us. But it is not flickr, and I hope never will be. I hope the site won't become a victim of its own success and be made an offer it can't refuse from some faceless corporate entity. What I like about ipernity so far This blogging f…

  • A new photo home

    I'm starting to feel at home here already! Going back to flickr, as I still do while I'm sorting things out there, feels like a visit to an alien planet. Discovered two more random faves on oldish photos last time I was there. Again from a newly signed up member with a twee coloured camera icon (yuk, the sort of thing you'd buy a 2 year-old!) but no pics at all, which is at least better than the porn... Yet another addition to the block list. It will be nice to leave all that behind me soon.…

  • How I came to be here

    I am a refugee from the Great Flickr Disaster of May 2013. The first I knew of it was when I was checking facebook on my phone over breakfast. A friend had written: "Have you seen the hideousness that's the revamped Flickr? no no no no no NO!" I discovered what she meant when I opened my flickr page. It was like being parachuted into a disaster zone. My home page was a jumbled mosaic of seemingly randomly sized pictures - a latest upload from one of my contacts was so huge that it filled a…

  • Wer hätte das gedacht ?

    Aqua Mineral
    Es wird wieder voll hier .... So schnell ändern sich die Zeiten. Auch woanders wird eben nur mit Wasser gekocht und das französische schmeckt mir immer noch am besten :-) À la vôtre !

  • What happened to flickr?

    My first day here since flickr drastically changed their layout. So far I am quite impressed with the ease of use and the great, speedy uploader. Will still remain on flickr since it has given me great enjoyment these past few months, but I like to have a back-up plan. Looking forward to making new contacts and sharing our views on life.

  • ipernity versus flickr

    Hallo Ipernity-Fans ich bin seit über 2 Jahren bei flickr, un erst seit kurzem hier bei ipernity. Hab mal etwas die Diskussionen durchstöbert, dabei viel darüber gefunden, was bei flickr schlecht ist und hier besser. Stimmt, darum bin ich auch hier, nur hab ich hier noch kein pro account, weil mich auch einige Sachen hier stören, die bei flickr definitiv besser sind. Da ich noch neu hier bin, würd ich mich über Hilfe freuen, falls diese Themen schon anderswo diskutiert wurden, oder woanders h…

  • Day #99: retrospection

    As this is my 100th day on ipernity, I just want to write something, anything. First thing that comes into my mind to write about is a retrospection of what I've written so far. Maybe mixed with a few review elements and some random new thoughts. I apologize in advance for this unstructured post, but sometimes I have to just babble. Random thought 1: I've just discovered "My Network"-->"Latest docs & post"-->"Everyone"-->"Photos". It's a stream of your contacts' docs in size 240. (flickr provi…

  • Day #85: comparing again (this time: image size limitations)

    Yesterday. Yesterday I changed Preferences --> Originals & Exif --> Members or anonymous visitors from "Nothing special" to "Sharing code (+big size)". In other words: I made the "big size thumbnail" available to everyone. One effect is that the "View all sizes" link in every photo page is now enabled for everyone, so everyone can enlarge to (and download) the 1024 size. One other effect is that the Slideshow with Cooliris now shows 1024-sized instead of only 560-sized images. Why did I do…

  • Ipernity's better than Flickr!

    Just an intro to my qwurky/Ipernity relationship - nothing more, probably less.

  • Day #35: comparing again

    I haven't blogged for 14 days (day#21 was last), and I don't think I'll become a regular blogger, but today I have more flickr ipernity comparison stuff on my mind to put somewhere. First: I changed the network activity report from "every day" to "every week" for several reasons: There is no instant notification. It takes up to 24 hours to get the notification about activities on your stream. (On flickr it's about 1-30 minutes) After that long time, it's not urgent enough anymore to deserve a…

  • Day #21: another bug

    The "Edit this tag" feature is broken. If I rename a tag, I get the error message "Why the hell did you click on this link? ;-)". But the tag actually IS renamed. It is, however, deleted from the tag list . That's why rumpelfoto says "2 docs" in the tag list, but when you click on it, you get 30. And that's also why 19 New pics shot after day#0 are missing from now on (I've just renamed that tag). That's a very serious bug! Besides that I entered my first two groups yesterday: Brem…

  • Day #17: Visits

    I had my third non-anonymous visitor yesterday. Where do they come from? I have no contacts. Nobody has me as a contact. I have the privacy settings on invisible in the ipernity directory. I'm in no group. I never commented. I have visit notification off. Do they come through the tags? I have only 27 public pics so far, and I don't tag much. Bilingual, though. Whatever. Visitors are welcome! I myself didn't surf around much in ipernity yet. But it seems interesting, because in ipernity the…

  • Day #3: video

    flickr allows pro members to upload videos of up to 90s length and up to 150 MB in size, but other members can't download the original (and you can't provide them a static link, either). On ipernity anything can be uploaded even to free accounts (including videos) and the originals can be downloaded from the page if either you or the visitor (or both) are pro. You can provide a static link, too. Here's one to download my test video: (you have to copy…

  • Day #2: ersatz nonsense

    I wrote my very first comment on Facebook today. A one of my contacts there was "thanking the US population for the great birthday present" and I commented "The day would be perfect if California's Prop 8 hadn't passed". I became aware of the Prop 8 issue through a blog of a MySpace contact that I usually don't read. I did today, because an SMS from the author woke me up on 5:15 am this morning saying "Yay! Its a great night to be Merkin!". I stayed up and watched McCain's and Obama's speeches.…

  • Day #1: more comparison

    Yesterday I uploaded the bat ladybird , because I wanted to use the larva as my member picture. Today I uploaded pillows and me , because I wanted to place a member tag. I also noticed a few more things in comparison to flickr: There are separate archives for blog entries and docs (photos and files). There is, however, a combined tag list. Tag views have numbers in their URLs, so they can't be guessed (on flickr they can). flickr's cool calendar view hasn't been cloned. You can't a…

  • Day #0: At first sight... (a comparison with flickr)

    I created myself an ipernity account today, because I wanted to broaden my horizon. I've used flickr for years, and I wanted to study this flickr clone. At first sight I can see some advantages: a free account has 200 MB upload limit (flickr has 100 MB) a free account has the last 1000 items visible (flickr has 200 items) a free account can have many sets (flickr limits to 3) a free account allows you to download your own originals (flickr doesn't) on ipernity you can download originals…

  • I am happy that I do not need the MSN id... If this will be fulfilled, hey will change form to in flickr? And this after all were upset to loose the original id. Was no hype, the change made the german desaster possible. Maybe they stop uploading possibility if not the right OS is used. And, to think a litte bit more far: without having installed genuine check, there will be no access any longer? Wohaaa! Viva ipernity!

  • Sorting the mess...

    The end date of my Pro Flickr account is approaching and I'm constraining it to a diet, to choose what will stay when it will return free

  • 16912

    ... is the number of visits to my photostream. Why I noticed it?

  • Some thoughts about the functionality (exp. the geotagging) in ipernity

    How to geotag your docs proper in ipernity?
    Some thoughts about geotagging in ipernity. The how and the where.... How to improve the geotagging inside of ipernity? A request for a greasemonkeyscript (or a bookmarklet?) for easier geotagging the docs Asking (and not really answering) the everytime-question "which would being the accuate position of a geotag-point"? A small suggestion for a more user-friendly navigation throw the docs

  • Decorating.

    After "moving" in here at ipernity I now managed to transfer the first few pictures from flickr. And I even started "decorating" the "house" by creating the first albums so I can get a similar structure in my stream as I had over at flickr. Please bear with me while I am still busy to transfer my pix from flickr to ipernity and not all pictures have the same and/or all tags right away. I am working on that. Thanks for your patience, I hope you enjoy the photos anyway if you haven't done so befor…

  • Your new neighbour.

    Funny thing, a few days ago I hadn't even heard about this place called ipernity and now I am sort of moving in this new "house" from my old home over at flickr. But what happened? Since mid may I was cut off from internet by my dutch provider KPN. It took them until last Friday to at least reinstate my internet access on a temporary basis while they try to re-establish my old connection. During my three month absence from the internet something happened over at flickr, the place where I felt…

  • A statistical note

    Using the data collected by the fine Carsten's Ipernity and Flickr Visits Graph, I noticed that after less than two months of activity on Ipernity (and almost complete inactivity on Flickr) the visits on my Ipernity account slowly surpassed that on my Flickr account. My network on Flickr is slightly bigger and in the last weeks I uploaded the same shots on both sites. The visits on the single shots are now normally higher on Ipernity (but for some shots Flickr has sudden raises, I don't know why…

  • Und tschüss, flickr. Migration abgeschlossen

    So, nun bin ich mit dem rüberholen der Fotos von flickr endlich durch, nun gilt es nur noch, sie ein bischen zu taggen und zu beschreiben sowie sie in die entsprechenden Alben einzusortieren, und das war es dann. Blöderweise ist mir da letzte Nacht auch nochmal ein blöder Fehler unterlaufen: Beim manuellem export bin ich von "alt nach neu" vorgegangen - das Massimporterplugin geht aber genau anders herum vor... als dann nach rund 300 importierten Fotos plötzlich wieder Fotos vom letzten W…

  • Nur noch 400 Fotos von drüben rüberholen...

    So, nun fehlen nur noch 400 Fotos, dann sind alle von flickr hier rübergeschaufelt. Diese werde ich dann Anfang August rüberholen (sobald ich wieder uploaden darf ), danach kommen dann nur noch neue und ich flute nicht mehr eure "My Network" - Seiten mit hunderten von bereits bekannten Fotos... Insgesamt funktionierte der Upload hier auch relativ gut - hin und wieder klemmte allerdings die API von flickr, aka es kamen keine Daten mehr von dort nach, was zu einigen doppelten Fotos führte. Die…

  • Juchuh, ich bin Pro! Nun fehlen noch Wordpress-API-Gateways...

    Hat das nun also doch noch mit der Überweisung geklappt. Jetzt werde ich noch schnell, bevor bei flickr mein Pro-Account abläuft, meine Fotos von dort rüberholen, und dann kanns eigentlich so richtig losgehen. Letztlich fehlt mir dann noch eine Möglichkeit, änlich wie bei FAlbum für flickr, diese Fotogalerie in meine Wordpress-Blogs zu integrieren . Als erster Notbehelf wird da bei mir IpeRSS Verwendung finden, das zeigt zumindest schonmal die letzten Uploads im Blog an, die i…

  • Un salto su Ipernity.

    Il mio primo post seguendo la corrente che fuoriesce da Flickr