Lars Sözüer's favorite photos

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Total Solar Eclipse

SHARM EL-SHEIK : Ras Mohammed, la porta di Allah :…

Zamenhof in Folkestone

Schloss Drachenburg - Schlossleuchten 2015 DSC0908…

HFF to all my friends and visitors here!

Folkestone Leas Lift (#0264)

Griffon Vulture (please enlarge)

El Cancho Largo and Griffon vulture

Mapo de landoj aparteninataj al la origina Ĉeĥoslo…

Porto, Ponte Maria Pia

La Cabrera. Mondalindo in cloud. On 'z' please.

Sierra de La Cabrera

Sierra de La Cabrera, El Cancho Largo.

Vulture flight school ('Keep up at the back!')

Leaderfoot Viaduct in Autumn - River Tweed - Scott…

allez en route !

Cardiff bay 3 elipses for 3 locks

Steaming on the edge

104 items in total