Free as a Bird


These are all birds I've met along the way. I just love birds and they are a really good challenge with a camera. They're so quick!

Free as a Bird

13 Jun 2020 47 32 357
Are we free yet? Happy Freedom Day (USA) and Happy February, everyone! This is a "purple" finch from last spring. I just love his rosy color (you can see the Mrs. below.) and for Sight and Sound: The Beatles Free as a Bird Free as a Bird


02 Oct 2020 21 22 224
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Birds of a Feather

22 Jul 2020 19 20 220
Junior Bun and his Flicker friends ....and for Sight and Sound: Birds of a Feather Birds of a Feather


29 Jul 2020 28 22 255
For Sight and Sound: Thanasis Traveler In Time Traveler In Time


28 Jul 2020 27 25 250
This pretty little Song Sparrow is a frequent visitor here. For Sight and Sound: Wings from "At the Speed of Sound" (1976) Warm and Beautiful and instrumental: Warm and Beautiful

The Innocent Age

29 Jun 2020 30 30 255
This week in SSC: "Create a story using several images." Baby Junco ..and for Sight and Sound: Dan Fogelberg from his album "The Innocent Age" (1981) The Innocent Age The Innocent Age


07 Mar 2020 15 23 206
This bird is a male Spotted Towhee . You don't need to use your "red eye reduction" tool on this guy because his eyes are actually red! You can see his wife below. We have lots of these guys here year-round. They make such interesting sounds.

Be Free

01 May 2020 21 11 213
Red-winged Blackbird The Beatles from "The White Album" (1968) Live: Blackbird Blackbird


11 May 2020 27 26 217
Barred Owl Under Attack: video here

Barred Owl Under Attack!

18 May 2020 9 11 165
Robins, and even a little hummingbird, dive bomb this beautiful barred owl as he perches quietly in a fir tree. (Best on full screen.)

The Who

15 May 2020 27 32 269
This week in SSC: "Let's make an Album Cover" This week a barred owl visited our yard. I was able to get pretty close and get this shot so I thought I'd use it for my album. I got a little carried away and made the back of the album too (see PIP.) ..and for Sight and Sound: Won't Get Fooled Again Won't Get Fooled Again

Momma Wood Duck and Babies

13 May 2020 27 27 232
It was a happy outing today at the big pond. (Worth a look on full screen.)


19 Apr 2020 19 17 244
Canada Goose (Washington Swan) ..and for Sight and Sound: John Lennon from his album "Imagine" (1971) Imagine Imagine


09 Apr 2020 23 22 220
I think this is a female Rufous Hummingbird. (You can click on the others for more info if you want.) And if you really enjoy hummingbirds here is a Slow-Motion Video

Rainbow Duck

06 Apr 2020 27 39 215
This week in SSC: "Easter or Spring" Happy Easter and spring to you all. :) Every spring there is always an assortment of beautiful ducks that visit the pond near our home. This week we were visited by the rarely seen "Bufflehead" or "Rainbow duck" as I call them (above) because of their iridescent feathers. A pair of "Ringed Neck" ducks that have purple heads with gray and white bills (pic below) also had a good time at the pond this week. ...and for Sight and Sound some music, as always: Riverside from their album "Rapid Eye Movement" (2007) Live: Rainbow Box Album: Rainbow Box

Ringed-Neck Duck


27 Mar 2020 26 32 201
For Sight and Sound: Mariusz Duda (2020) Song of a Dying Memory Song of a Dying Memory

I Challenge You!

24 Mar 2020 22 25 241
Dinnertime is a real showdown here with the male hummingbirds. He is definitely challenging another male for his territory as he flashes his bright colors. I thought this was a Rufous hummingbird but after some research he looks more like an Allen's hummingbird You can see my little videos of him here: Hummer Video 1 Hummer Video 2

104 items in total