So Long, Summer...

The Beatles! (Together and solo)

My little tributes to The Beatles along the way.

I usually add 2 or 3 links to the songs since they don't always work for everyone around the world.

So Long, Summer...

21 Sep 2021 24 18 217
Well, once again summer is coming to an end. I'm just happy that it was such a beautiful one this year with lots of sun. For "Sight and Sound" The Beatles from their album "A Hard Day's Night" (1964) Happy Just to Dance With You Happy Just to Dance With You

Free as a Bird

13 Jun 2020 47 32 357
Are we free yet? Happy Freedom Day (USA) and Happy February, everyone! This is a "purple" finch from last spring. I just love his rosy color (you can see the Mrs. below.) and for Sight and Sound: The Beatles Free as a Bird Free as a Bird


28 Jul 2020 27 25 250
This pretty little Song Sparrow is a frequent visitor here. For Sight and Sound: Wings from "At the Speed of Sound" (1976) Warm and Beautiful and instrumental: Warm and Beautiful

Be Free

01 May 2020 21 11 213
Red-winged Blackbird The Beatles from "The White Album" (1968) Live: Blackbird Blackbird

Hello Little Girl

12 Mar 2020 23 28 194
This week in SSC: "Panning" (looks best full screen) I like panning but there's a real trick to doing it and it all happens SO fast. I took so many practice shots. I think this one has the most detail. I never saw the little girl looking at me until I had the image on my computer. She's so cute in the back there with her dolly but I want to cheer her up. Maybe a Beatles' song?.... ..for Sight and Sound: The Beatles from 1963 Wiki: Hello Litttle Girl song Hello Little Girl Hello Little Girl

HFF to You :)

07 Mar 2020 33 24 234
This little Chestnut-Backed Chickadee (and I) are wishing you all a very "Happy Fence Friday!" And for Sight and Sound: Wings from the album "Back to the Egg" (1979) Arrow Through Me Arrow Through Me


18 Feb 2020 16 16 187
The sun came out finally. It feels so good. For Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their "Revolver" album (1966) Good Day Sunshine Good Day Sunshine

Love in Song

24 Jun 2019 36 44 246
This pretty male Western Tanager is awaiting his turn at the feeder. He is probably one of the most colorful songbirds in this area and is a rare treat to see. For Sight and Sound: Paul McCartney and Wings from the album "Venus and Mars" (1975) Love in Song Love in Song

Wild Life

13 Jan 2020 52 37 343
This week in SSC: "Rule of Thirds" We got some snow this week so this little one was out playing in it. ...and for Sight and Sound: Paul McCartney and Wings from their album "Wild Life" (1971) Wild Life Wild Life

Tell Me What You See

27 Dec 2019 22 30 190
This week in SSC: "Unfocused Abstract Photography" What do you see here? (See PiP for the "in-focus" version.) ...and for Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their "Help" album (UK) and "Beatles VI (US) (1965) Tell Me What You See Tell Me What You See

Hello, Goodbye :)

02 Jun 2019 14 14 185
Two Washington State Ferries, one saying "Hello" and one saying "Goodbye." For Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their "Magical Mystery Tour" album (1967) Hello, Goodbye Hello, Goodbye


07 Nov 2019 29 37 319
A lovely day on Wildcat Lake in Washington state. ...and for Sight and Sound: A sweet song by Paul McCartney for the movie "The Lake House" (2006) This Never Happened Before This Never Happened Before

Strawberry Fields Forever

15 Sep 2019 14 15 185
The strawberries are still going strong. For Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their "Magical Mystery Tour" album (1967) Strawberry Fields Forever Strawberry Fields Forever


26 Aug 2019 15 14 164
I saw these birds at the beach and was happy to get a recognizable photo of them even though I don't recognize them at all. All I know about them is that there weren't any that were faster. George Harrison from his self-titled album (1979) Faster Faster


15 Jun 2019 31 46 434
It's Molly's birthday (7 July) and she's 16. It's hard to believe. She still acts like a kitten. ♪ ♫ You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're mine ♫ ♪ For Sight and Sound: Ringo from his album "Ringo" (1973) (Coincidentally it's his birthday today too!) You're Sixteen You're Sixteen


01 Jul 2019 21 40 261
This week in SSC: "Take a photo of anything that flies or floats in the air." Well, I got a lot of exercise this week. We always have jets going over from Sea-Tac International Airport in Seattle but we also live very near a private airpark. Planes take off or land from there but you never know when it will be. So each time I heard what I thought was a small plane I went running outside with my camera. I got several shots of different planes but this was the best one I got all week. I believe it's a replica of a World War 1 Army plane. I just love the bright colors. You can see some of the other planes (and helicopters) that I saw this week in the PIP. ...and for Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their "Magical Mystery Tour" album (1967) Flying Flying


02 Jun 2019 16 24 261
3 friends waiting for their ride. :)) For Sight and Sound: The Beatles from their hit single and their "Help" album (1965) Live: Ticket To Ride Live: Ticket To Ride Album: Ticket To Ride

Good Night....

01 Feb 2017 14 16 317
Molly loves bedtime. Good night, Molly. ♥ ♥ ♥ For Sight and Sound: The Beatles from the "The White Album" (1968) Good Night Good Night

67 items in total