HappySnapper's photos

wk39-18 0996

28 Sep 2018 9 4 82
Lavenham Suffolk. Photo club on a now and then exercise. Have we found the right buildings.? All goes to prove the middle building in the main image with the 15th century makeover is Fake. Project 21 Architecture.

wk15-21 3506

18 Apr 2021 17 10 118
He has hungry mouths to fill, I watered a bit of garden to soften the soil, maybe he will find a worm or two for the babies.

wk15-21 3467

14 Apr 2021 15 9 113
I'm your man. WWT Welney.

wk15-21 3485

14 Apr 2021 17 10 116
Power lines or wind turbines, which is best?. see also PIP

wk13-21 3351

31 Mar 2021 18 18 112
The more intelligent half of us two. HAPPY BENCH MONDAY everybody and a good week for you all. Stay safe and stay well.

wk14-21-3414 H.A.N.W.E

09 Apr 2021 20 11 113
Unknown. Been hiding in the conservatory all winter, forgotten about and probably not watered and so we have been rewarded with a show of these beautiful Orange blooms. I can't find any reference, the nearest I can get is a succulent "Gasteria" Taken with a 40-150mm kit lens plus 10mm extension tube. Just to wish everybody a Happy "Weekend, stay safe stay healthy. Thanks to Keith Burton (Below) who gave a positive ID.


31 Mar 2021 20 15 108
I think beginnings of Horse Chestnut, if anyone can correct me please. For Group Project 21 "Flowers"

wk13-21 3401

02 Apr 2021 15 7 113
Coming to check us out, River Thet, The Pen was some distance away behind us and this cob about 15 meters ahead. Almost immediately when our presence was known the wings were arched and the Bow wave increases as it picks up speed, It swam alarmingly close but we just kept moving. No problem the cob stops and waits around until we are gone.

wk14-21 3408

05 Apr 2021 13 8 112
A snatched shot through glass from our bedroom window, first impression that this was a Meadow Pipit which would be a first for me, but on closer looking I think more likely a Juvenile Siskin. Trouble with photographing into branches and shrubs the AF snaps on to the nearest to the lens more often than not a twig or branch. I shoot in AF+MF and keep one finger on the MF ring but so many times I get to the right focus point just as the bird flies off and I lose the shot.

wk13-21-3324 HBM

31 Mar 2021 12 14 100
For those who use this seat then walk off leaving their rubbish behind, please be aware this bench quickly converts to a guillotine. !! :-)) Happy Bench Monday everyone.

wk13-21 3371

02 Apr 2021 25 13 112
Greylag Goose: A good weekend to all and Happy Easter.

wk13-21-3312 HFF and H.A.N.W.E

31 Mar 2021 28 24 139
A different Muntjac to previous upload. Just to wish all my friends and Contacts HFF and Have a Nice Weekend. Stay safe stay well and a happy Easter to you all.

wk13-21- 3318

31 Mar 2021 20 20 123
Photo bomber!

wk21-19 4675

26 May 2019 12 8 123
For Group Project 21 Monthly theme Transport. (Archived from May 2019)

wk12-21 3269

22 Mar 2021 21 10 109
Dunnock: Popped up on the fence so near I could almost reach out and touch it, I was surprised it stayed long enough for me to get a shot in.

wk11-21 3221

20 Mar 2021 23 12 120
Oh dear! A poser in need of a new coat.

wk11-21 3254

20 Mar 2021 13 6 122
Young Male Chaffinch: Low light not good enough to produce a sharp image.

wk11-21 3201 HFF

15 Mar 2021 14 16 121
Reminds me of the song "Move Closer" by Phyllis Nelson. Behind my house, three years ago this was a field of maize. Can't stop progress I suppose. HFF and a good weekend everyone. www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMw0CAJWEUE

93 photos in total

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