HappySnapper's photos

wk33-21 4441

19 Aug 2021 25 16 229
I'm off: Due to health issues travel to locations is on hold. Taken in my garden for "World photography day" group. AUGUST 19TH

wk32-21 4309

11 Aug 2021 15 9 161
Catch of the day, I think a Migrant or Common brown Hawker, A positive ID would be welcome from anyone.

wk31-21 4306

05 Aug 2021 21 14 161
Hungry mouth to feed, the other sibling near by has learnt to find it own food.

wk31-21 4293

05 Aug 2021 14 10 154
Nice pair of Tits !

wjk31-21 4238

02 Aug 2021 6 5 104
Project 21 August theme "Green"

wk29-21 4161

22 Jul 2021 14 14 134
Thanks for the water ! Alright if my two friends have a drink as well ?.

wk30-21 4226

31 Jul 2021 17 11 84
Banana skin: Attracted by the sugar

wk30-21 4190

26 Jul 2021 13 7 92
Todays offering from the garden, A Small White I think.

wk29-21 4125

20 Jul 2021 18 7 111
Another from the Garden: Pink rose and family. Happy and healthy new week everone

wk29-21 4167

22 Jul 2021 17 8 111
A young Thrush ventures into the garden for a drink blissfully unaware I was only sitting a matter of feet away.

wk29-21 4119

17 Jul 2021 18 11 161
Flipping hot isn't it.

wk29-21 4094

19 Jul 2021 15 8 100
My offering from the garden today: A Peacock Butterfly.

wk28-21 4058

13 Jul 2021 22 15 144
A bit of French Lavender to bring me luck on Friday.

wk27-21 4013

11 Jul 2021 19 7 128
Thank you all for your visits and comments, I wish you all a happy and sunny week ahead, take care and stay safe.

wk27-21 3909

05 Jul 2021 18 11 139
Casual visitor on the back fence.

wk27-21 3961

10 Jul 2021 10 5 96
Over the fence from my back garden a Collard Dove stretching it's wings.

wk27-21 3931

05 Jul 2021 22 17 109
So what do we do now? I dunno!!! Guess we have to find some food for ourselves.!

wk26-21 3903

01 Jul 2021 14 9 93
Oops! Beg your pardon Maam.

93 photos in total

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