Fallen Log

Stock: Details and Patterns

20 Nov 2010

151 visits

Wise old tree

This grizzled old sycamore has been around a lot longer than any of the students who pass it daily -- longer, in fact, than their professors.

21 Nov 2010

157 visits

In a Cheshire, Connecticut, graveyard

Leica M4, 35mm Summicron, Tri-X, D-76 1:1

06 Nov 2010

143 visits

More door detail, Rockland County, NY, Courthouse

06 Nov 2010

166 visits

Door detail, Rockland County, NY, Courthouse

06 Nov 2010

154 visits

Detail, Rockland County, NY, Courthouse

06 Feb 2010

101 visits

Wet snow in the woods

18 Sep 2010

103 visits

Such textured bark

I loved this tree.

18 Sep 2010

78 visits

Jewelry for sale

These items were at a little street stand, and they looked like a starry night to me.

18 Sep 2010

98 visits

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here

Detail from a New York City street picture. These skulls were painted on a sidewalk loading hatch. They called out to my little Leica with 35mm Summicron.
138 items in total