Fallen Log

Stock: Details and Patterns

22 Jun 2013

92 visits

Flat beer

22 Jun 2013

119 visits

Unexpected artwork

24 Jun 2013

176 visits

One tree, many trunks

Something happened long ago to this tree, such that its main trunk is gone. The runners on the sides have since then done it proud, though.

24 Jun 2013

172 visits

Many trunks make for nice shade

All these trunks are of the same tree. A pleasant place to be on a hot summer's day.

30 Jun 2013

130 visits

Japanese Lanterns

At least I think that's what these pretty, papery pods are called.

05 Jul 2013

1 favorite

1 comment

134 visits

Looking up

Went for a walk in the woods on my little farm this afternoon.

05 Jul 2013

113 visits

Martian invasion

And we expected robots . . .

08 Jul 2013

127 visits

Nature always wins

12 Jul 2013

2 favorites

225 visits

The tree of many trunks

This sycamore had lost its main trunk, but runners all around the stump grew tall and lush. I photographed this tree with a 12mm lens, with the result here: www.ipernity.com/doc/depscribe/22331765 But it took a fisheye (the 8mm Rokinon for those keeping score) to really show it off. This is an uncorrected out-of-camera JPEG.
138 items in total