Meghan Bee plays and the festival begins

2018 Nelsonville Music Festival, part 1

01 Jun 2018

37 visits

Getting into it

Perenially popular Twain made unusual and pleasing guitar effects on the Boxcar Stage Friday.

01 Jun 2018

60 visits

A salsa interlude

On the Porch Stage, Combo Chimbita drew a big crowd. The weather was steamy -- it had rained a short time before -- and the music was steamy, too, and the audience didn't mind the former and loved the latter.

01 Jun 2018

60 visits

Discovering sticky, sweet cotton

Kids have a good time at NMF, too. Here, 3-year-old Louisa of Millfield explores the joys of cotton candy, all squooshed together.

01 Jun 2018

69 visits

Deer Tick

As evening began to descend, the popular Deer Tick -- featuring a left-handed bassist -- took the Main Stage.

02 Jun 2018

82 visits

Dusk comes

The Wooden Shjips band -- no, it's not a typo -- performed on the Porch Stage Friday night. It was darker than the picture makes it look.

02 Jun 2018

81 visits

02 Jun 2018

67 visits

Playing in the last of the light

When darkness comes, balloons with lights inside them start to make sense.
25 items in total