Meghan Bee plays and the festival begins

2018 Nelsonville Music Festival, part 1

01 Jun 2018

70 visits

Mud by the Main Stage

What would a music festival be without mud?

01 Jun 2018

43 visits

Facing the sun from the Boxcar Stage

Where there was shade there were people crowded together as Bedouine played on the Boxcar Stage.

01 Jun 2018

55 visits

It's not all just music

Clare McEnerney, visiting from Denver, has mastered tricks with hula hoops.

01 Jun 2018

66 visits

A puzzlingly large person with a very big head

Jacob, 2, of Westerville, doesn't know quite what to make of the big-headed people from Honey for the Heart.

01 Jun 2018

66 visits

But he's not scared

At least it turned out they were friendly.

01 Jun 2018

41 visits

He's still a bassist, though

Here's the Caroline Rose band bassist, really getting into it.

01 Jun 2018

45 visits

And here's Caroline Rose herself, with about a zillion fans

01 Jun 2018

60 visits

Moist Paula

The lowest notes, and certainly the most soulful ones, at this year's NMF probably came from the baritone saxophone of "Moist" Paula Henderson.

01 Jun 2018

46 visits

Taking up the hobo life at an early age

NMF is one of the few times when it's okay for the kids to play on the railroad tracks.
25 items in total