Iceland, Strokkur Geysir Full Height Eruption


Iceland, Lichen Fields of Mýrdalssandur

27 Jul 2023 12 2 59
Mýrdalssandur is an outwash plain on the south coast of Iceland. The outwash plain was built by the numerous jökulhlaups of the Mýrdalsjökull. The last large jökulhlaup was due to an explosive eruption of the Katla volcano under the glacier in 1918 A jökulhlaup (literally "glacial run") is a type of glacial outburst flood. It is an Icelandic term that has been adopted in glaciological terminology

Iceland, Lichen Fields of Mýrdalssandur

27 Jul 2023 13 1 66
Mýrdalssandur is an outwash plain on the south coast of Iceland. The outwash plain was built by the numerous jökulhlaups of the Mýrdalsjökull. The last large jökulhlaup was due to an explosive eruption of the Katla volcano under the glacier in 1918 A jökulhlaup (literally "glacial run") is a type of glacial outburst flood. It is an Icelandic term that has been adopted in glaciological terminology

Iceland, The Plain of Mýrdalssandur, Lichen on the…

Skerries off the South Coast of Iceland

Iceland, Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach

Iceland, Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach and the Rock…

Iceland, The Black Sand of Reynisfjara Beach and t…

Iceland, Crystallic Basalt Columns outside the Hál…

Iceland, Crystallic Basalt Columns above the Hálsa…

Iceland, The Cave of Hálsanefshellir

Iceland, The Arch of Pressed Basalt Pieces on the…

Iceland, Puffins on the Eastern Cliffs of Dyrhólae…

Iceland, Pair of Puffins at the Dyrhólaey Cape

Iceland, Pair of Puffins at the Dyrhólaey Cape

Iceland, The Puffin Close-up

Iceland, Puffins Family at the Dyrhólaey Cape

Iceland, Skerries off the Shore of the Dyrhólaey C…

Iceland's Southernmost Skerry

242 items in total