Iceland, Strokkur Geysir Full Height Eruption


Iceland, Top Down View of Litlanesfoss Waterfall

29 Jul 2023 19 5 55
This is the lower stage of the Hengifoss and Litlanesfoss waterfall system The waterfall is about 30 meters high and forms an apron in a cliff.

Iceland, Litlanesfoss Waterfall

29 Jul 2023 15 3 57
This waterfall is about 30 meters high and forms an apron in a cliff. This is the lower stage of the Hengifoss and Litlanesfoss waterfall system. The Top of Hengifoss is visible at the Top Left of Picture

Iceland, The Canyon of Litlanesfoss with the Impre…

29 Jul 2023 19 5 60
These columns are some of the tallest in the world: up to twenty metres each.

Iceland, The Hexagonal Basalt Columns in the Canyo…

Iceland, The Canyon of Litlanesfoss and the Valley…

Iceland, The Hofskirkja Cemetery in Öræfi

Iceland, The Hofskirkja Cemetery in Öræfi

Iceland, Hofskirkja Church Back View

28 Jul 2023 15 3 68
Hofskirkja church is a beautiful turf church in the Öræfi region in South-East Iceland. There are only 6 turf churches remaining in Iceland and Hofskirkja is the last of the old churches to be built in this beautiful traditional turf style. Its walls are made of rock and the roof is made of stone slabs, covered with turf. There has been a church at Hof in Öræfi for 700 years and the first written records of a church being on this site are from a cartulary (an old medieval document) from 1343. The core of the current church was built in 1883-1885.

Iceland, Hofskirkja Church Side View

28 Jul 2023 12 1 51
Hofskirkja church is a beautiful turf church in the Öræfi region in South-East Iceland. There are only 6 turf churches remaining in Iceland and Hofskirkja is the last of the old churches to be built in this beautiful traditional turf style. Its walls are made of rock and the roof is made of stone slabs, covered with turf. There has been a church at Hof in Öræfi for 700 years and the first written records of a church being on this site are from a cartulary (an old medieval document) from 1343. The core of the current church was built in 1883-1885.

Iceland, Hofskirkja Church

28 Jul 2023 24 6 72
Hofskirkja church is a beautiful turf church in the Öræfi region in South-East Iceland. There are only 6 turf churches remaining in Iceland and Hofskirkja is the last of the old churches to be built in this beautiful traditional turf style. Its walls are made of rock and the roof is made of stone slabs, covered with turf. There has been a church at Hof in Öræfi for 700 years and the first written records of a church being on this site are from a cartulary (an old medieval document) from 1343. The core of the current church was built in 1883-1885.

Iceland, Hofskirkja Church Front View

28 Jul 2023 13 3 53
Hofskirkja church is a beautiful turf church in the Öræfi region in South-East Iceland. There are only 6 turf churches remaining in Iceland and Hofskirkja is the last of the old churches to be built in this beautiful traditional turf style. Its walls are made of rock and the roof is made of stone slabs, covered with turf. There has been a church at Hof in Öræfi for 700 years and the first written records of a church being on this site are from a cartulary (an old medieval document) from 1343. The core of the current church was built in 1883-1885.

Iceland, Small Moraine Lake of Skaftafell Glacier

Iceland, Icebergs Floating from the Skaftafell Gla…

Iceland, The Skaftafell Glacier Close-Up

Iceland, The Icefall on the Skaftafell Glacier

Iceland, The Glacier of Skaftafell

Iceland, Modest Northern Flowers

Iceland, Blue Northern Flowers

240 items in total