Diving Humpback

Kalaallit Nunaat

Fußballplatz vor Eisbergen

30 Aug 2023 52 90 219
Qeqertarsuaq auf der Disko- Insel hat einen der spektakulärsten Kunstrasen- Fußballplätze der Welt. Die Strandseite ist mit Sandsäcken gesichert, damit die Tsunamis, wenn mal wieder ein Eisberg umkippt, nicht den ganzen Platz überschwemmen.... Euch allen hFF und ein schönes Wochenende! Ich bin aus Grönland zurück, aber in gut 2 Wochen schon wieder weg. Ich werde versuchen, in der Zwischenzeit aufzuholen und bitte um Verständnis, wenn ich nicht ganz hinterherkomme....

Qeqertarsuaq Idyll

30 Aug 2023 57 59 247
Greenlandic contrasts- dumped pick-up and pristine iceberg at Qeqertarsuaq

Icy Blue Morning

01 Sep 2023 63 76 229
Early morning in the fjord towards Uummannaq, the ice pilot had his work cut out. Vessels venturing into Greenlandic coastal waters have to take 2 Danish ice pilots on board who work in 4 hour shifts. Exceptions are regular cargo ships and ferries with specially licensed crews- and of course the local fishermen who know their area.


01 Sep 2023 37 44 177
One of Greenland's most beautiful settlements, Uummannaq is dominated by its heart shaped mountain (the Inuit see a seal's heart in it). The daisy like flowers are tripleurospermum subpolare (Strandkamille), growing in profusion along the coast de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uummannaq en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uummannaq

J and T Fashion, Uummannaq

01 Sep 2023 31 44 144
SC 63: Red and Yellow A typical colourful Greenlandic scene. All essential goods are brought by sea in shipping containers as there is no road network. The containers are then put to further use for storing any old clobber, you can see them everywhere in front of houses and in people's gardens or along the coast holding fishing gear. btw- opening times of shops, cafés and museums are often rather approximate, supermarkets excepted;-)

Colourful houses

01 Sep 2023 93 138 324
...and some fences to keep the sled dog puppies in. Adult dogs are always chained, they are half wild and only follow their owner, puppies up to 6 months are allowed to run free. Greenlandic sled dogs are not huskies, they are a completely different breed and still have a lot of wolf in them. Other dog breeds aren't allowed into Greenland, sled dogs that have left the country aren't allowed back in. hFF folks!

House with a view

01 Sep 2023 57 64 205
in Uummannaq (ca.1400 inhabitants)

Colonial quarter Uummannaq

Uummannaq Fjord

01 Sep 2023 55 32 191
Just a brief sign of life, I'm off for another two weeks but expect to bring back some new photos:-) Looking forward to visiting your photo pages in March!

Fishing lines

31 Aug 2023 33 48 182
Behind a harbour shed at Upernavik


31 Aug 2023 41 56 142
Upernavik lies on a small island at 72° 47′ 2″ N (Nordkapp at "only" 71° 10′ 21!). It boasts of an airport on top of the hill behind town which is just about suitable for Air Greenland's Dash 8. Upernavik has permafrost that thaws superficially in summer, making everyting muddy. 2023 was even muddier than usual because Greenland had an extremely wet/rainy summer. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upernavik

Kalaallit Qimmiat- Greenland Dog

31 Aug 2023 41 53 130
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland_Dog Grönländische Schlittenhunde sind genetisch mit dem ausgestorbenem Tamyr-Wolf verwandt. Um die Reinheit der Rasse zu schützen, dürfen nördlich des Polarkreises und in ganz Ostgrönland keine anderen Hunde eingeführt werden. Schlittenhunde gehorchen nur ihrem Besitzer und sind ab dem Alter von 6 Monaten angekettet. In Upernavik waren sie bei den jeweiligen Häusern, in den Orten etwas weiter südlich gibt es außerhalb extra Gebiete für die Schlittenhunde.

Shit happens

31 Aug 2023 38 43 118
Wooden houses go up in flames pretty fast- Upernavik fire station is actually just across the road (see map)! The blue buildings serve as fire alarms and water stations


31 Aug 2023 15 18 62
Upernavik fire station Fire alarm plus water station

68 items in total