Diving Humpback

Kalaallit Nunaat

Bethel church- Sisimiut

14 Sep 2019 57 72 480
Greenlands oldest surviving church was built in Denmark, where it was disassembled, all the parts numbered and then shipped to Holsteinsborg (now Sisimiut). There it was reassembled and consecrated in 1775. The church was paid for with 60 barrels of whale blubber. www.sisimiut.museum.gl/Default.aspx?ID=2213

After the rain

28 Aug 2023 65 78 256
SC65: Long shadow I'll be away for the next 3 weeks, see you end of October!

Nanok Snackbar

29 Aug 2023 34 44 168
Long out of business!

Pisiniarfik No.9

29 Aug 2023 46 50 166
Tobak, Isenkram.... Closed shop at Qasigianngiut


29 Aug 2023 41 50 122
visitgreenland.com/de/destinationen/qasigiannguit/#why en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qasigiannguit The yellow building is Mikami hostel Musk ox are hunted and the heads proudly displayed

Bench with a view

29 Aug 2023 48 94 225
at Qasigiannguit, looking out to Disko Bay and its icebergs. Sometimes you can also see whales, sadly not that day.... HBM!

Icebergs in Disko Bay

15 Sep 2019 58 75 243
First larger icebergs seen from coastal ferry Sarfaq Ittuk on the way from Aasiaat to Ilulissat

Nessie goes Disko

15 Sep 2019 61 67 390
As the coastal ferry through Disko Bay gets nearer to Ilulissat, MS Sarfaq Ittuk has to wind her way through ever more icebergs. The ship is strengthened for ice conditions, small chunks of ice she meets head on, larger bergs she avoids. The PiP shows the bow of MS Sarfaq Ittuk with the traces of various "meetings" with obstacles;-)

Qajaqs at Ilulissat

Disko Bay

15 Sep 2019 55 57 473
A privileged view to have from a hotel room:-)

Sunset over Disko Bay


16 Sep 2019 69 78 479
The only icebear we saw in Greenland, a sculpture;-) There are plenty of icebears in Greenland but they live in the high north and in the east in vast and mostly unpopulated areas. The ones that occasionally appear in the west have come a long way, are old/sick and are hungry and dangerous. During our stay in Ilulissat one was seen in Aasiat, a town further south in Disko Bay. People stayed in their houses and the Ilulissat icebear hunter was speedily dispatched by helicopter to shoot the bear.

Evening among the Icebergs

16 Sep 2019 64 66 645
Iceford stretches for 40km from Sermeq Kujalleq glacier to Disko Bay. The glacier is exceedingly productive, it has a flow rate of about 20m per day! Near the fjord's end large icebergs get stuck on an underwater moraine and gather near Ilulissat until they break up and float again. Der Eisfjord erstreckt sich 40km weit vom Sermeq Kujalleq Gletscher bis zur Disko Bucht. Der Gletscher ist mit einer Fließgeschwindigkeit von ca. 20m am Tag außergewöhnlich produktiv. Am Ende des Fjords bleiben die großen Eisberge an einer Moränenschwelle stecken und sammeln sich bei Ilulissat an, bis sie auseinanderbrechen und wegschwimmen. whc.unesco.org/en/list/1149

Journey's End

16 Sep 2019 59 70 287
The huge icebergs at Ilulissat come from Sermeq Kujalleq glacier, 40km inland. They travel down Ilulissat Icefjord until they get stopped by an underwater moraine barrier at the end of the fjord. There they break apart and start floating into Disko Bay until they melt away. whc.unesco.org/en/list/1149

Icebergs (and Whales)

16 Sep 2019 57 65 288
Plenty of humpbacks on our evening tour with a small boat whc.unesco.org/en/list/1149 Oops, that one must have dived underneath our boat, it came up right beside us- no time to adjust my lens...

Sunset Disko

16 Sep 2019 74 78 461
Evening cruise among the icebergs of Disko Bay

Ice patterns

17 Sep 2019 42 42 432
Detail of a large iceberg near Ilulissat, see note for context.

68 items in total