Dave Renfroe's photos

MaryVine falls

10 Apr 2024 6 3 21
Spring in the Sooke Hills, Vancouver Island, Canada

Southeast Oregon Map

Lupins & Balsam Root cover the trail

Made it!

09 Jun 2022 1 31
Looking up at the Steens Mountain summit from the hills above the Alvord Desert. The flowers were amazing!

Steens Mountain Paintbrush

09 Jun 2022 21
Endemic - only grows on or near Steens Mountain. (Castilleja pilosa var. steenensis) with Yellow Fleabane and Blue Penstemon

Phlox & Hawksbeard

Steens Mountain Garden

Foothills and the "desert"

Lake Owyhee Reservoir

03 Jun 2022 3 1 26
End of the road, at the Slocum Creek campsite

Slocum Creek Camp

10 Sep 2023 1 22
On the Owyhee Reservoir

The Bird

11 Sep 2023 1 1 46
Strange rock formations in Leslie Gulch

Steens summit from the Alvord Valley

Looking north toward Steens Mt & Alvord Desert

13 Sep 2023 24
Photo: Dave

Alvord trail pano

Above Alvord Desert

16 Sep 2023 21
Photo: Dave

Org23-069-DSC 0250

16 Sep 2023 17
Photo: Dave

Smoky summit of Steen Mt.

17 Sep 2023 22
(We drove up.)

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