Godrevy, for Pam.

Photos for Pam - 100 + photos, mainly of Cornwall, because as Pam herself once told me; "That is where my heart is!"

In support of Pam J in her recovery programmes and a sincere wish for a quick and total return to normality!

From Carn Gloose to Land's End, for Pam.

04 Aug 2018 36 17 715
Another view of this far southwest corner of Cornwall, granite in the foreground, Land's End in the far distance. In the middle distance at the left, The Cot Valley running into the sea, once very heavily industrialised (tin mines). Low tide.

Cornish granite cliffs - for Pam.

10 Aug 2014 48 32 750
St Agnes Head as seen from Tubby's Head. I used to be able to get from the end of each headland (starting and finishing at sea-level but having to climb to the cliff top for obvious reasons!) to the other in under 20 minutes, without running. It might take me 25 minutes now! But, going back further in time to when I still smoked, it would then take me 45 minutes! However, now that I stop all the time to take photos, it would take me 45 minutes again! What goes around, comes around!

Shetland ponies, for Pam

01 Aug 2012 50 35 602
On Treaga (or Western) Hill, South West Peninsula Coast Past near Portreath, Cornwall. Just a shame that the wind had blown their magnificent manes over the other side from the camera!

Ralph and Heather, for Pam.

24 Aug 2014 39 25 443
I have posted a few shots of Ralph's Cupboard before now but not one with heather as well.

Cornish coast for Pam. Heather and gorse catching…

04 Aug 2012 52 50 683
North Cliffs, Cornwall ... on a blowy and cool summer's day. When the sun broke through the clouds though, the effect was magical! Sight and Sound: Just saw in today's Times obit pages that Tony Joe White passed away recently. Have always loved his music and this is an all time classic, covered by so many more famous names. I love the story of when Tina Turner (who covered many of his songs) - and I quote direct from the Times obituary - met him face-to-face; "I walked into her dressing room and she was putting on her make-up,' White recalled. 'She looked into the mirror and started laughing. I thought, 'Are my pants un-zipped or something?' Finally she got her breath and said, 'I'm sorry, man, I always thought you were a black man' " www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwyX9W0aN5c

Happy Fence Friday!

18 Jul 2012 74 85 1354
Rhodochriton (sometimes called Purple Bell Vine). A climber originally from Southern Mexico and Guatamala. It is very happy in Cornwall! Garden in Saint Day, Cornwall

Porthcadjack and Carvannel Downs, for Pam.

22 Jul 2012 46 38 545
Samphire and Asparagus Islands at Porthcadjack on a very still and (almost) cloudless summer's day.

Wheal Coates tin mine ruins

03 Aug 2012 21 16 448
Heather and gorse. For Pam.


09 Aug 2017 45 37 360
The pumping engine house for Wheal Coates tin mine. For Pam. I may have posted this here before but a quick trawl didn't find it!

Zennor Parish

09 Jul 2012 46 38 449
The western part of Zennor Parish seen from Carn Galva. Bosigran Farm at its foot. For Pam.

Rosemergy Farm, Morvah Parish form Carn Galva, Zen…

04 Aug 2015 30 17 308
A granite lump overlooking the raised coastal plain. Another for Pam.

The sands at Chapel Porth and Porthtowan from the…

24 Jul 2012 53 36 655
Half way between low and high tide. The tide comes in quickly and it is easy to become trapped

Ralph's Cupboard, Portreath

10 Aug 2017 37 20 356
One more of this favourite location, for Pam of course! best on full screen and black.

Wheal Coates

03 Aug 2012 28 12 277
Tin mine ruins and heather and gorse. For Pam.

St Agnes head, granite and heather, for Pam.

09 Aug 2014 44 23 472
I've posted a few of here before now but I don't think this exact same shot. (Maybe on Pano). Taken from the South West Peninsula Coast Path. Sight and sound! www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPUmE-tne5U For no other reason than I love this song (as do many others, I know). It is to me the epitome of a good pop song, cheerful, optimistic, positive, upbeat and above all HAPPY!!!! The fact that it is a hit from 1985 has a bearing for me too as this was a year where the quote; "The best of times, the worst of times" has a particular resonance. But this song helps to keep the good memories on top of the not-so-good!

Bosigran Head, for Pam.

20 Jul 2012 35 20 436
A famous sea-cliff climbing playground. I climbed here on and off between 1975 and 1986.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

09 Jul 2012 34 25 599
Zennor Parish from Carn Galva, for Pam.

Cape Cornwall

04 Aug 2018 64 58 724
Viewed from Carn Gloose. For Pam! A strange day where the light was generally good but there was a pervading misty atmosphere, hence no horizon to speak of. Taken 2018 and posted first 2018.

690 items in total