Another view from the back of the house. Early morning. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

Madrid Province, (not City)

Folder: Spain provinces (and Madrid)

A Chinchón backstreet.

25 Apr 2016 50 46 257
Chinchón, a touristy little town 40 miles southeast of Madrid.

More splendid granite walking country.

19 Aug 2015 35 34 277
Ahead are the three highest peaks of La Sierra de La Cabrera, Cancho de La Bola in the centre, Cancho Gordo to its right and Cancho Largo further right still. Cancho Largo is taller than Cancho Gordo by only 2 metres at 1.564 m (5,131 ft).

Sierra de La Cabrera granite

19 Aug 2015 38 34 270
Looking north across the Lozoya Valley

Another view from the back of the house

12 Mar 2021 38 42 279
Valderrey, Algete, Madrid Province. The Sierra de Guadarrama is on the horizon.

HFF Everyone!

18 Feb 2021 44 72 341
A local park, filled with ornamental (ie old and gnarled) olive trees.

Even more granite! High on the ridge.

15 Jun 2012 42 39 324
La Sierra de La Cabrera. All oldies from me for a few days at least while I take it easy after an operation for a detached retina. All OK, I just can't spend long in front of a screen for a bit!

Sierra de La Cabrera.

30 Sep 2012 43 49 304
From Cancho Gordo near the top.

La Sierra de La Cabrera and monastery

15 May 2011 31 39 267
Convento Monasterio de San Julian Y San Antonio below the granite crags of the Sierra de La Cabrera.

Even more granite! H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

10 Mar 2012 33 34 254
La Sierra de La Cabrera.

Almond blossom in the garden. HFF, everyone!

27 Feb 2021 52 76 372
A sunny day before the Calima struck again (another dust / sand cloud from the Sahara), rendering photo opps a zero these past few days and expected to last a few more days. I gather France has got it too.

La Sierra de La Cabrera

29 May 2011 33 32 288
Granite again! (Perhaps on Z for the rocky detail) I wanted to post some local shots but today (and the past week) has been clouded by another calima dust / sand cloud from the Sahara. Miserable! So, another from my archives!

Unexpected snow storm about to hit.

01 May 2012 41 49 319
Sierra de La Cabrera. I know I've posted this before but I'm happy for it to have another airing!

Granite, cistus and sky.

26 May 2012 36 31 312
Typical Sierra de La Cabrera walking country.

La Sierra de La Cabrera

09 Oct 2011 52 59 313
Granite playground. On Z please for the rocky detail.

Under the ridge. H. A. N. W. E. everybody!

21 Jan 2012 40 42 272
Cancho de La Bola. Home of vultures. There's one soaring above La Bola itself; that white guano-stained boulder at the top. Taken from a snowy GR10 (long-distance path from Lisbon to Valencia). This shows a middle section of La Sierra de La Cabrera.

The last day of the snow 6 weeks ago!

07 Jan 2021 68 110 358
HFF, Everyone! The next day the snow had all gone. The view from my sister's home (now mine too for the time being!), looking over the hen coop and the roofs of Valderrey, our community. Early evening shot. Best on Z.

Wild lavender, babble and dapple

25 May 2013 46 52 287
Iberian lavender (or cantueso) and mountain stream babbling over granite and dappling in the late spring sun a few years ago.


19 Feb 2021 42 50 281
A road and view in our estate. Night falling.

1033 items in total