Another view from the back of the house. Early morning. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

Madrid Province, (not City)

Folder: Spain provinces (and Madrid)

Mondalindo and the Bustarviejo Valley from The Sie…

25 May 2019 70 42 379
The 'face profile' on the right is Cancho Largo, the highest point in the sierra and a good challenge for rock climbers (there were none that day, I have in the past posted shots of climbers tackling the overhang).

San Lorenzo de El Escorial

06 Jan 2019 77 58 431
Phillip II's monolithic monastery / palace

A Chinchón backstreet.

25 Apr 2016 59 37 370
Madrid Province. Originally on Panoramio 2016.

Granite country

15 May 2018 65 49 369
La Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid Province

Babbling stream over granite. H. A. N. W. E. every…

15 May 2018 43 31 295
Sierra de La Cabrera, mountain stream. Better on full screen.

Lavender and mountain stream.

25 May 2012 46 39 308
Granite country - La Sierra de La Cabrera.

Lozoya Valley fog. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

10 Dec 2011 50 44 306
From the northern slopes of La Sierra de La Cabrera. First shown on Panoramio in 2011 but not on ipernity to my belief.

The family gathers for a pre-scavange conflab!

31 Aug 2012 65 77 384
Griffon vultures on Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de la Cabrera. First posted in 2012 on Panoramio but never on ipertinity for some reason / oversight. Still, better late than never!

Mountain stream. Sierra de La Cabrera (please enla…

10 May 2013 38 31 730
Clear, fast-flowing spring water over granite. I can look at these streams for hours, often have! First shown four years ago. Please enlarge.


15 Aug 2021 35 28 263
For over a week, we have had 40º + temps but no sun thanks to this calima which has occurred far too often this year over Spain and which is horrible and leaves everyone's tempers frayed to say the least!

Mountain stream. Sierra de La Cabrera

01 May 2012 73 83 737
A storm overnight and the almost dry stream-bed comes to life. Rosemary bush in flower in the foreground. The tower was a mystery to me when I first saw it in 2010 and is still a mystery. I can't get any info (certainly not much sense!) out of the older guys in the local bars, no matter how much Mahou I bribe them with!! I will have to try whisky next time! I later learnt it was an air shaft for the railway line that ran below the mountains here. The line closed in 2012. I recall seeing the trains run here for a year beforehand. Now it is a popular, if spooky, walk through the tunnell (5 km). First posted n 2017.

Griffon vulture and view, first uploaded 2018. H.…

14 May 2013 92 98 942
Griffon vulture on El Cancho de La Bola. A clear day - Uceda, a village in Guadalajara province can be clearly seen here in mid-distance. Normally the heat haze or Madrid smog doesn't allow me to see that far. It has been suggested that full-screen works well here.

Back home

31 Jul 2021 69 131 424
View from the kitchen, through the dining room to the terrace and the view beyond. A misty sort of morning so not so clear outside.

Pico de La Miel

26 May 2012 73 91 619
Holm oaks and granite. La Sierra de La Cabrera.

La Sierra de La Cabrera

21 Jun 2011 72 50 427
The eastern end, including El Pico de La Miel (Honey Peak) which isn't the highest point on the ridge but is the most famous as it rises directly above the Madrid Burgos motorway. It's possible to scramble and rock-hop more or less along the entire ridge.

HFF, Everyone!

22 Apr 2021 51 62 412
Algete Church on yet another very dull day. Iglesia Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion. One day I might even go in and have a look round.

Rose in the rain

21 Apr 2021 46 35 334
I think this could be rosa Pullman Orient Express 2007, but there are lots that are similar. A very stormy day again with low light levels.

Dawn today

19 Apr 2021 60 52 402
Viewed from the back of the house. My sister's shot. I was still in the Land of Nod!

1033 items in total