Nugget Creek Falls, Juneau

USA incl Alaska

Folder: Rest of the World

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27 Oct 2023

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99 visits

Portland Head Lighthouse

Portland Head Light. A classic chocolate-box lighthouse capture here. Our third lighthouse on this tour only a mile or so from our ship docked in Portland harbour. A very popular tourist spot and it was nice to see blue skies and sun. In the distance we see ‘Ram Island Ledge Light Station too. Portland Head Light is a historic lighthouse in Cape Elizabeth. The light station sits on a headland at the entrance of the primary shipping channel into the Port of Portland. Completed in 1791, it is the oldest lighthouse in Maine. The light station is automated, and the tower, beacon and foghorn are maintained by the US Coast Guard. The big house here is the former lighthouse keeper’s home and now a museum. Enjoy full screen

27 Oct 2023

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77 visits

Farewell to Portland Head Lighthouse

As our ship glides out to sea from Portland Maine we pass this impressive lighthouse accompanied by this fine evening sun and cloudscape. PiP Enjoy full size.

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27 Oct 2023

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87 visits

MC5 to the rescue

A different world for us here with this very American fire department vehicle. As in many of their cities, the fire department caters for medical emergencies too. Just count the number of lights on the back and sides here. Taken in the city of Portland Maine, which has quite a different feel to our European cities. Enjoy full screen.

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28 Oct 2023

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82 visits

A bay in the Bay of Fundy

A very wide view of Mispec Bay within the much larger Bay of Fundy. A world famous bay that lies between Canada’s Nova Scotia and New Brunswick provinces, and touches the U.S. state of Maine. It’s known for its extremely high tidal range of about 16 metres (52ft) and thereby is the highest in the world. (The second highest in the world is in the Bristol Channel area where I was only a few months ago.) This taken with my phone in panoramic mode. The first time I had used that handy mode after learning how on the bus to here! (My DSLR had decided to die on me minutes before taking this.) Enjoy full screen

27 Oct 2023

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99 visits

Picnic benches of Portland Maine

What a place to drink your coffee or a beer. This high spot overlooks the beautiful ‘Portland Head Lighthouse’. pip Enjoy full screen. Have a great day.

02 Nov 2023

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An evening stroll

As our ship casts off from Boston harbour USA, I get a chance to see a fine sunset. Enjoy full screen

02 Nov 2023

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State House Gates

Boston, Massachusetts and we are doing a walking tour around the city. One of the first places we see is the magnificent State House of which this gate here is a mere glimpse. Enjoy full screen Have a good weekend.

31 Oct 2023

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106 visits

A lost soul in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Seen whilst walking through this wonderful city, from the Citadel along Sackville St. Sorry, as much as I have tried, I cannot find anything at all about this. There seems to be a lot of murals here in the city and so this might be considered of little importance? HWW, have a great day.

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02 Nov 2023

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116 visits

Boston: The Old South Meeting House

We are walking the ‘Freedom Trail’ here in the beautiful city of Boston USA when we pass this scene. For me, framed by the dark skyscrapers, a stunning sight. ‘The Old South Meeting House is a historic Congregational church building located at the corner of Milk and Washington Streets in the Downtown Crossing area of Boston, Massachusetts, built in 1729. It gained fame as the organizing point for the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773.’ WiKi Essential full screen. (Z) HWW, have a great day.
35 items in total