Green shutter

Windows and doors

06 May 2018

5 favorites


314 visits

Watching on

Seen over a café restaurant in Honfleur.

10 Jun 2018

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223 visits

A Krakow window.

Seen whilst wandering around the old city centre. Enjoy

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25 Jul 2018

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634 visits

Three Red Doors and a Fence

A wander around the city centre of Manchester can lead to all sorts of places. Here we see what at first sight looks like an old mill of sorts but the flower vase and curtains gives the game away. Yes, these are certainly modern converted apartments with views looking on Manchester's China Town. I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb Best viewed full screen.

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02 Feb 2016

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245 visits

Old Ronda

Seen on the back streets in the beautiful town of Ronda in Spain. For me the four ingredients of lamp. window, door and painting with the wire separation lines had a bit of something.

10 May 2019

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439 visits

Just an old window

A bit of sunlight to light the inside of someones workroom. These are getting less familiar now as plastic window frames dominate. What this really is - well does it matter.....

15 Sep 2019

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209 visits

Turkish windows

Seen at a restaurant stop near Marmaris. I liked the harmony in the colours here.

15 Sep 2019

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165 visits

Visions of Kaunos

Although most of this ancient city no longer stands, we see here one of the few structures that does. It is hard to believe that this place was flourishing 2500 years ago. It was totally abandoned around 1500 and lay forgotten for 500 years. Enjoy the ancient arches and windows, through which you can also see the modern town.

17 Sep 2019

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232 visits

Gone on holiday!

Seen in the town of Mykonos, on the edge of the sea. Why this should be so obviously unused and locked up is a mystery we will never know. The building, to me was quite fascinating with these shuttered windows and padlocked doors, painted to blend into the whitewashed walls. Enjoy full size.

18 Sep 2019

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397 visits

Stairway to heaven

Seen in the town of Chania on the Island of Crete. A modern stairway with an old looking banister. Where do the steps lead? We can only guess, but we can applaud the owners of this dwelling for giving our eyes such a feast. Ask the question…. Why do the steps look strange??? I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb Imperative full size. See PiP for another piece of the puzzle.
36 items in total