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Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) The summer pictures are now online on our homepage. We would like to thank all the photographers who provided the images. Here you can find the complete summer collection 2021.

2) To strengthen our presence on YouTube, we have uploaded the summer pictures there as a slide show with music. We would be pleased if you would visit and like this presentation. This will improve our ranking on YouTube and thus help to increase the popularity of ipernity.

3) We would also be happy if you would create more slideshows on selected topics. You can find the instructions for this in the group Promoting ipernity - YouTube.

4) The ima team is now going on a summer break. Of course, there is an stand-by service for emergencies and for the hotline.

5) The next Club News is scheduled to be released on September 3, 2021 on the four-year anniversary of taking over the operational management of our website.

We wish you a beautiful and above all healthy summer.

Your ima team