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Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) We thank Google for stopping giving away storage space for free since June 1, 2021. This finally removes a major competition distortion. Nevertheless, when comparing our membership contributions with Google's rates, you have to keep in mind that Google only offers storage space. Many of the functions that our website offers are not provided by Google.

2) As already mentioned on several occasions, ipernity only has a future if we succeed in attracting many new members to our photo club. The necessary advertising measures on facebook are just starting.

3) You can support the advertising campaign by actively helping the new club members to find their way around ipernity. Visit their accounts, comment on their posts, integrate them into our club life. To help you find these members, we will provide you with a list of new club members that will be updated regularly.

4) For our part, we send all new club members an iper-mail with detailed information on how to find their way around ipernity::
- English version
- French version
- German version

Your ima team