Articles by Shen

  • Jobless after graduation

    - 15 years ago - 4 comments
    After six years study in architecture, soon, I will be graduate, and yet, today, I've got my first rejection from an architecture firm, which I have sent a job application last week. The first rejection, also the first application...... Anyway, I am not giving it up, I need to be strong and keep going, I believe, if we work hard enough, we will get what we want... Wish me luck, for the future job hunting.... :)

  • Happy Birthday to me :)

    - 29 Dec 2008 - 3 comments
    Another hour or so, I will be ** years old, lol, kinda scared, but I know I will be alright :)

  • Had my presentation today, and it went well

    - 11 Dec 2008 - 1 comment
    Well, studying architecture hasn't been easy, I am specialy shy to give presentations in front whole lot of people, but today, I did good, and they liked my design, it is very rewarding after these days hard work, I am happy

  • Brand New!

    - 08 Dec 2008
    A brand new place for me, a little corner to sit down to have a break, for my restless life...