Peggy C's favorite articles

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  • Flicka and the Vet hospital ... Results Update

    Thankyou everyone who wished Flicka well today. Things didnt work out as we thought... Its been a hard day. Had to take Flicka to a specialist Vet 2 hours away. We (and my Vet)thought he had something up his nose or was allergy reacting to something and have been treating that for 3 weeks. There were no seeable signs of anything else amiss. But... today the specialist Vet removed a walnut sized cancerous tumour from his tonsils. All this has happened very fast. We were not expecting…

  • 11 July 2017: Contract for IMA takeover of the Ipernity Platform (reposted)

    William Sutherland posted an article in the IMA Project Group on 11th July 2017. C&P in full .... Dear members, We are absolutely delighted to share with you that the legal basis of our IMA goal to take the Ipernity platform over is achieved: Ipernity S.A. (represented by Christophe Ruelle) and IMA (represented by Eric Desjours) signed the contract regarding the transfer of the Ipernity platform, the underlying intellectual property and as…

  • "Internationale Gäste"

    Ja, ja, der Steinmeier hat den Stein der Weisen gefunden: „Wenn ein demokratisch gefestigtes Land wie Deutschland sich nicht mehr in der Lage sieht, internationale Gäste einzuladen, Konferenzen wie diese auszurichten, dann gerät mehr in Gefahr als nur eine einzelne Konferenz. Dann überlassen wir im Grunde genommen die Entscheidung und die Auswahl, was hier in Deutschland stattfindet, einigen wenigen brutalen Gewalttätern.“ Es gehöre auch demokratisches Selbstbewusstsein dazu, „dass wir sagen:…

  • Weißeritztalbahn

    Am 17./18. Juni 2017 nahm die Weißeritztalbahn nach 15 Jahren den Betrieb zwischen Freital-Hainsberg und Kipsdorf wieder auf. 2002 waren große Teile der Strecke durch die Jahrhundertflut schwer beschädigt worden und es dachten wohl Viele, das Ende der Bahn sei gekommen. Im Dezember 2008 konnte der planmäßige Betrieb zwischen Freital-Hainsberg und Dippoldiswalde wieder aufgenommen werden. Nun, 2017, konnte auf der gesammten Strecke der Betrieb wieder aufgenommen werden. Dieses Ereignis wollte ich…

  • IMA NEWS 8th May 2017

    ORIGINAL HERE PLEASE SHARE IMA News 8 May 2017 William Sutherland May 8, 2017 After hitting a low point yesterday 7 May 2017 in which it appeared the efforts by IMA to save the Ipernity platform would have to be ended, the situation is much better today . I would like to believe this was the nadir (the lowest point) and from here on things will only get brighter. Everything is back on track with re…

  • Stand Proud and Tall LONDON

    You are the city of my birth. In the 70's I lived and worked in London.. and was involved albeit on the edge of the IRA bombings. I know what that fear is. I was born just 10 miles from Marble Arch.... so the West End and Central London were my "home ground". I just have these words.... Atrocity doesnt define who you are . It gives you the chance to show the world just who you CAN be as the reverse sentiment. Don't be the victim... be the educator Unless we educate and assist a…

  • Proud of My Friends -

    We are a Community - of Friends who happen to take photos. But, the main thing is the Friendships .. reaching to help someone who has a card not working or just doesn't have a card. This is Friendship .. helping each other. This is who we are !

  • Ongoing issue : Possible fraud

    Hello, I'm sad to announce that we have a possible fraud artist in the donation of IMA crowdfunding for ipernity. It means that rather than almost 21k, we are at almost 18k which is still a great number in such a few day. IMA contacted Indigogo (who owns Generosity) to investigate the question. It doesn't mean that giving through Generosity isn't safe, simply that somebody stole credit card numbers somewhere and are using it to make donation for odd reasons. Please continue to par…

  • Ipernity Members' Association

    I just checked the statistics on giving toward saving Ipernity. After about two days, 43% of the goal has been reached. But the small number of donors is disturbing. Only 176 people have given anything. I know there are a lot more members of Ipernity than this. If each member gave just a tiny amount toward this goal, $25000 would be reached very quickly. It could be an amount you would never notice, like the price of a cup of coffee or the cost of the gasoline to drive to your favorite photograp…

  • February 2017: The Latest Reoccurring Anomalous Warm Winter Month and Reason for Concern

    Global Warming
    Never has good weather felt so bad. Never have flowers inspired so much fear. Never has the warm caress of a sunbeam seemed so ominous. The weather is sublime, it’s glorious, it’s the end of the world. Run for your lives! [1] With temperatures consistently breaking 50º F and 60º F and a peak high of 70º F on the 24th, February 2017 with a mean temperature of 41.6º F set a new record for the warmest February in history in the New York metro area. The previous mark of 40.9º F had bee…

  • 1 Mars 2017 [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, What is going on in ipernity ? We are patiently waiting for IMA to makes their proposal. Once it will be set, the negotiations will get started. They have officially registered the association to the French office. They are waiting for the paper to come back. If you do not have seen it yet, they published their Bylaws : (English) (French) ipernityma.wixsite.c…



  • 2017, NEW PERSPECTIVES ... [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, The ipernity team presents to you all our very best wishes for the new year! Since the announcement of ipernity’s shutdown, we received many proposals and messages of support either from users and businesses. With the help of several community members, especially Claus-Peter , Paul ( autofantasia ), Eric Desjours , and, William Sutherland , the idea that ipernity could be managed by the community has made its way and seems to be the most realistic solution.…

  • Wo werden wir mittelfristig Bilder im Internet zeigen? Where are we going to present our fotos on the net mid term?

    For an English version scroll down please! Zumindest die Panoramigos unter uns haben allmählich ja Erfahrung mit abschaltenden photo sharing sites im web. Auch jetzt stellt sich für viele user die Frage: Wohin mit meinen Bildern? Wie kann ich meine photo-affinen Onlinekontakte aufrechterhalten und pflegen? Für die meisten von uns scheint Flickr zumindest ein Überwinterungsdomizil zu sein, bis ein neuer Frühling eine neue Photoseite unter dem Eis der wirtschaftlichen Zwänge freilegt ;-) Ein gebranntes Kind scheut natürlich das Feuer und deshalb habe ich einmal versucht, abzuschätzen, wann Flickr denn (wie das mit Foto-Seiten so üblich ist) abgeschaltet wird.......


    Paul... (autofantasia ) has done a large amount of work getting this together Please read and comment..,and fav.... we NEED to get this to No1 Explore so people SEE it and read. Pass it along to your contacts as well please..... Many thanks

  • what's going on

    Dear friendly people of ipernity, What's going on right now ? the head of the team is negotiating with several potential buyers. One seems to be really serious. But nothing is done. What am I doing ? I'm actually reading all your comments (hundreds...) on the latest articles and collecting informations/data on your feelings, ideas, support etc.. thus, to use it to make a "at the moment" state of ipernity. (We may share a survey poll soon) Which means I have fewer time to reply to the su…

  • A Journey through Spring

    One moment in early March, the ground was covered by snow. Despite lengthening days, the late-starting winter of 2015-16 struggled to hang on. But seemingly the next moment, all the snow was gone. Where snow and ice had once hugged the earth, the landscape blushed in the growing colors of spring. Each passing day, the mild breezes of a rising spring kissed new life into the once-barren landscape. Soon, the ground was covered in an extraordinary explosion of daffodils. Everywhere one looke…

  • The Compelling Case for Past Intelligent Life on Mars

    0000 Lead Collage for top photo in article pe pesharpforupload
    Based on an increasing pool of scientific evidence, it is likely Mars was once “covered by oceans and lakes and was layered by a thick atmosphere, very much similar to Earth.” [1] In addition, per scientific studies, Mars had all the ingredients necessary for life: an abundance of water, an energy source, sufficient presence of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorous, all with the proper “atomic charge” and a stable environment capable of supporting life for at least a billion years…

  • UPTIME 3535 *

    [EN] Dear friends, 2016 is a special year because - some will surely remember - in less than four months ipernity will celebrate its 10th anniversary ! The first ipernity Beta version was launched on May 15, 2006 and it was one of the rarest place - perhaps the first - which proposed the sharing of any type of content (photo / audio / video / file / ...) with relatives and archiving your data on long term. Originally, ipernity was not designed to share pictures only, but as a sh…

  • ~*~The Gathering~*~A Story For Yule Eve~*~

    As was the tradition,they all came together this single night of the year in the forest clearing.First came the Coyote whose ancestors had stolen fire from Man.He gathered kindling and scattered it with the dust of fire opals which sparkled as they set the wood and moss ablaze,sending tiny offerings of light and heat up to the velvet black,diamond studded sky. Next came the great Bear who dragged in logs to burn on the fire,no-one would be cold this night. As the fire blazed it seemed as a…

145 articles in total